The Sea Lilly

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"Hey, get back here!" an older man let out a breathy yell. He reached his hand into the crowd chasing the red-haired stranger. He tried to keep up with the young women but fell behind as she easily moved through the tight crowds and eventually disappeared completely. The man cursed as he trudged back to his stall, his eyebrows twitched with irritation as he scanned the market one last time for the women.

A small laugh escaped the red heads mouth as she stood above the man who had been chasing her. Not many people took notice of the small women standing on a thin wooden plank above the market. Her purple eyes watched as the man retreated before walking across the thin wooden planks. She avoided the crowds from the market down below and hummed to herself as she continued to make her way to the docks.

In her right hand she tossed a clean green apple, while in her left hand a small shimmering golden necklace swung back and forth. The women continued to ignore the crowds below her until another item caught her eye. Her left foot paused in mid air as her purple eyes laid on a silver polished bracelet with a small circular charm. She set her left boot down next to her right one again as she studied the scene around the small booth. It was run by a tired old man, no one seemed interested in his small stall of decorative jewelry. The small red head crossed the plank so she could climb on to the top of the stall.

The women laid on her stomach as she slid forward, her hair fell over the edge as her head emerged startling the tired old man. He jumped up from his seat and stared at the stranger, the red head did not hesitate to speak, she held out one of her hands and pointed at the bracelet that had caught her eye.

"How much?" The man seemed taken aback by her words, he examined the women handing upside down from the roof of his stall.

    "You're interested in my stuff?" The man stuttered as he inched a few steps closer to the women.

The red head nodded simply and glanced at the bracelet, "How much?" The man followed her gaze towards the item that sat on the edge of his stall. After a few seconds he sighed and picked up the bracelet.

    "For you young lady how about 20 gold, I mean you're the first person to take interest in my stuff today." He gave her a sweet smile and she nodded as she disappeared above his stall. His eyes widened; he was about to peak his head out when she appeared once again holding out a small black pouch. The man took the pouch and examined the inside for gold before carefully handing her the silver bracelet.

The red head continued to hand upside down as she placed the bracelet in another small pouch.

      "Excuse me miss." She looked at the man who seemed to be counting the gold in the bag, "this is more than I-"

He was cut off by the sound of metal armor hitting against each other. The red-haired women turned her head and noticed the man from earlier. He locked eyes with her and immediately pointed his plump purple finger towards her, "there! That's the women who attacked me and stole my work!"

The man in the stall gazed at the red head women, she let out an annoyed sigh and glanced back at the man in the booth, "keep it." She gave him a kind smile before lifting herself up and climbing back onto the wooden beams.

"You know, you didn't have to get the guards involved!" This drew the market crowd's attention. Many of the strangers looked up at the female as she yelled, "you're already ripping people off so why does it matter if I took one small thing!"

The mans face reddened as he stared at the women, she could practically see the smoke steaming from his ears. The red head gave a small wave before bouncing across the wooden beams to outrun the guards trying to push through the large crowd of people.

1 Prompt, How Many WritersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin