When Worlds Cross

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I'd been seeing her for weeks. I didn't know who she was but she seemed to call to me. Everything about her screamed out to me, telling me to go to her. To worship the very ground she walked on, to protect her. It was impossible to get her out of my head. It was stupid, that I felt such an infatuation to someone whose name I didn't even know and saw only in passing glances. But every time she was near everything else fell away and all I could see was her. And what was weirder was that I seemed to be the only one that could see her. She was gorgeous and was bound to get at least a few appreciative looks from those around her, but no one ever even so much as glanced at her. And yet she never seemed to see me.

Hence my surprise when I woke up with her standing over my bed.

My immediate reaction was not to yell or demand to know why she was here, as anyone else's might have been, but to reach up and touch her strawberry blonde hair. A color of coral that matched perfectly with her deep turquoise eyes. Eyes that glanced to my hand before she gracefully slid back and into the chair in front of my desk. She seemed uncomfortable though, as if she was scared. She sat with her back perfectly straight and her hands fiddled in her lap, pulling at threads in the rips of her jeans. And when she spoke and her voice captivated me like a siren's song.

"So you can see me. Good, I was starting to worry that I would have to figure this mess out on my own. That would have been stressful to say the least." She looked me over and visibly relaxed, deeming me not worthy of her fear. I sat up as she leaned back in the chair crossing her legs, as she took me in with an amused look. I suddenly felt insecure, wearing my sweatpants and old t-shirt as I sat in front of this goddess of a woman. "Cute room by the way, very human." I paid no mind to the way she spat the word and didn't bother questioning why she'd said it in the first place.

"Who are you?" I murmured, my voice filled with awe. She giggled, the sound soft and melodic, like a creek babbling or a wind blowing in a field. It was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever heard. I stared at her. It was all I could do, she held my attention and for all I knew, for all I cared, the whole house could be on fire and I would still only see her. She looked me over once more and stood, turning towards the door. She turned the handle and stepped out, looking back at me from the hallway.

"Get dressed and I will speak to you in the kitchen. Something to eat sounds lovely doesn't it?" And with that she closed the door and I heard her padding down the hall towards the kitchen. I honestly don't think I had ever gotten dressed so quickly. I left my room rushing down the hall, suddenly afraid that this had all been a trick and she would be gone by the time I got there.

But when I turned around the hall corner she was standing in front of the fridge, rummaging through its contents. She turned around when she heard me enter the room, and I was once again held down by her gaze. She smiled at me and I thought I had never seen anything so beautiful. I had never seen anything like her. And here she was, in my home, and she saw me. I knew that I should stop staring, that it was rude but I couldn't help myself.

She laughed again, "Good to know that even in this powerless world I can still affect you weak men like this."

"Excuse me?" She took one look at my confused expression and laughed again, like she was in on some joke I didn't know about. She turned away from me and went back to looking through the fridge. She pulled out a container of leftover Chinese food and surveyed the contents and, deeming it edible, began to look through the kitchen drawers, presumably for a fork.

"The silverware is in there," I said, pointing to a drawer near the sink. "But, uhm, can we go back to the powerless world and weak men thing for a minute?" Having successfully located a fork she sat at the kitchen table and motioned for me to sit across from her as she began to poke at the food. Her hair fell around her face as she stared into the container, clearly debating something. I sat across from her and she looked up at me, her blue eyes piercing.

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