Emo Corner

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Nico trudged to school, dragging his feet. Thankfully, for him, he was dressed how he liked to dress today, and he didn't plan to dress in the 'forbidden clothes' as Nico has started to mentally call them. he was feeling especially grumpy today, because, not only did he wake up to a pillow to the face, miss his breakfast, have a nightmare, get a voice mail from her, but his brain didn't seem to be letting up in his now-constant turmoil of his feelings for Percy that he refused to admit he had.

Does he really like me?

Is this all a trick?

Don't fall for him Nico, you better than that!

Don't think about him, his eyes, his face, his ass-no! Bad Nico, baaadddddd.

Shit, it's a trick. Yeah, it's a fucking trick. He's just playing with me.

Fuck fuck fuck, I'm in love with the punk-no! No you're not! You're better than that! 

All day he had been auguring with himself, and his inner-self hadn't been very merciful. He sulked into school, his mood rolling off him in waves, a warning that should anyone come near him he was not responsible for a lost limb. His mood only plummeted further when he saw Percy flirting very obviously with some guy he had never noticed before. Unconsciously, Nico glared at the boys back as he walked away, a positively goofy and giddy smile on his face.


Percy got out of his car and walked into school, repeating his plans for revenge on the bundle of temptation that was Nico. He would flirt with whoever was near -if they were attractive of course- when he was sure Nico would see. Percy would carefully judge his actions, see if he became jealous of whatever else. Percy may not have been the shiniest star in the sky, but he wasn't completely dim.

His test to see how Nico would react went brilliantly. Not only did Nico look disappointed when he saw Percy flirting -Percy felt slightly bad, but was to giddy to care- but he also glared at what-ever-his-name-was as he walked away. If looks could kill, that guy would've been dead as soon as Nico laid eyes on him.

All in all, a very positive reaction. Though, Percy was sure if Nico was in a better mood, as he was obviously having a bad day, he wouldn't have gotten such a reaction. But, the fates liked him today (lmao, as if that would ever happen to the real Percy), and it made Nico's colours show a bit more.

Throughout the day he flirted with whoever whenever he was sure Nico would see, and every time Nico's glares would get darker, and Percy would feel giddier. He was having a good day. If only Nico had worn those clothes again than this day would be immensely better.


Nico was having a horrible day, and he hadn't even gotten to lunch yet. Every time he turned a corner, there Percy was, flirting with someone different from the one before. it made his mood, self-esteem (what was left of it) spirits, and pretty much everything crumble as he watched the boy, all the while telling himself that he shouldn't care about Percy. That he didn't care about Percy.

But....then why was this effecting him so badly?

He just sulked moodily and poked at whatever his food was. He soon pushed the platter away, though, and grabbed his book out of his bag (the third book in the Splintered series by A. G. Howard) and started reading silently, quickly becoming absorbed into the story line.

He looked up silently from his book as the chair across from his moved. He shot a glare at Percy before moving his eyes back to his book. 

"Hey, Ghost King." Percy said, obviously ignoring Nico's glare and the obvious signs that Nico didn't like the company at the moment. "What are you reading?" Percy asked, voice brimming with curiosity as he tried to look as the spine of the book to see the title, the cover having been removed. 

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