Sass Queen

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Nico sat at a table in the library, tapping his foot as he waited. He was supposed to be tutoring some kid who was failing all his classes. Nico looked at his watch again and sighed. The kid was late. Typical...

Percy ran to the library, knowing being late wouldn't probably score him any points with his tutor. Unless it was a girl. Percy didn't know who was tutoring him, just that they would be waiting at the librarians desk at 12:00. It was 12:10. Wasn't that a fun system?

As Nico checked his watch again, the door to the library was suddenly flung open, startling him as it broke the quiet. Upon seeing who was making such a ruckus, he wanted to walk away now. Perseus Jackson ran to the desk Nico was waiting at, apparently not noticing Nico himself. This guy would be killed in a war, Nico mused idly.

Percy, himself, was the known punk of the school, and Nico had no wish at all to get caught up in all...that. But, as fate would have it, it seemed like he would have to.

Why meeeeeeeee? Oh, lovely dust bags which is fate, whyyyyyyy? Is it because I called you ugly? I'm sorry dears, but you need to discover moisturizer. We've had this conversation before, you know. Why are you so salty, still? You could turn freshwater into an ocean. Still love you though. Hey, make Jackson spontaneously combust for me?

Nico waited while Percy turned this way and that in search.

Wait for it...

Nico crossed his arms. This would take awhile, evidently.

Still waiting...

Percy looked all around, not seeing anyone. Then he had the genius idea to turn around fully. He almost let out a yelp. Someone he hadn't even noticed or heard was right behind him. He was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it and slightly ripped jeans, plus a Aviators jacket that looked to be like the ones from World War II. He also had black rimmed glasses. Percy noticed they had skulls on the ear pieces. Somehow he gave off a double aura of nerd and punk. Haha, neeeeerrrrrdddd!

But he could also be a ninja...Percy mused. It took him a second to realize the smaller person was glaring at him.

Still no spontaneous combustion? I apologized, damnit! Stop being so sensitive, Leftian. (Like Lillian.)

"Are you the one who's tutoring me?" Percy asked after a moment. Nico gave a slight nod. "Okay then...let's...get this over with, I guess. Lead the way." Not that he would ever admit to such a thing, but Percy didn't really know what to do in this new situation. He didn't know his way around the library, he hadn't even been to the library before now. Which was part of the reason he was late. He had to stop a couple kids to ask for directions. The other part was forgetting and reluctance to go.

I wonder if I tell him I got lost it will give me brownie points...nah, probably not.

Nico started walking ahead of Percy, giving him a nice view of his ass; not on purpose, of course. Percy unashamedly but sneakily (he did pride himself on his skill level at being pervy) checked it out. Hoover dammnn.

Percy was gay, duh. Though you would never guess it, considering the way he dresses. With the black leather gloves that didn't cover up his fingers tips, steam punk necklaces, jean jackets that don't have sleeves, making them vests, and ripped up jeans. Of course, some say the more punk you dressed, the more glitter you were trying to make up for. All the silver and flashy-flash, it satisfies the inner gay. Didn't you know? You've read enough gay fanfiction by now.

You would think Percy was a straight as a board. (*Hysterical laughter*) Of course, some people would describe his personality with a likeness to a rainbow slinky.

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