Stay Nice, Stay Together, Stay Smart

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How'd you guys like my cliffy? I was rather proud of it. My beta yelled at me to make the next chapter. Lol.

Sorry if you hate Bianca after this, or hate me for it. its for the plot, I swear! Though I don't really know how you guys will respond.

Oh, and this has Italian, but it has translators instantly after. But, I'm not very confident in google translate's power, so, sorry if I got the translation for the Italian wrong.

I'm not really sure how you'll respond to this chapter...I thought it was crap, but my beta thought it was really good...I dunno...lets see what you guys think, yeah?


Eyes narrowed, breath shallow, body tense, fists clenched close, nails digging into palms, leaving crescent moon shaped marks, hair covering outraged eyes, and mouth pulled back in a snarl.

Translation: terrifying as shit. Run.

That was the vibe the whole crowd was getting from the small boy, but none got it harder than the girl-Bianca Di Angelo, who appeared to be Nico's twin, if not older. 

"Nico," she spoke softly, trying to calm the beast-she valued her life after all. But, not enough, since she came back, Nico thought, a wicked, evil smirk gracing his features, making him look all the more terrifying. "Calm dow-"

"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare." Nico said in a deathly calm voice. The crowd took a step back as Nico's voice reached them-it was cold and cruel, heartless, merciless. Percy himself took a few steps back. He somehow ended up in the part of the crowd that could see Nico's face, and he could admit it-Nico was terrifying as shit. He took slow step after slow step, towards Bianca, who stubbornly held her ground-a foolish mistake. 

"Nico! That is no way to talk to your siste-" Bianca started, before she was cut off loudly.

"You abandoned that post the day you left me, alone and defenseless." Nico whispered; Bianca winced.

"Nico, I would neve-" Bianca tried to say.

"You would never? 'You would never'?" Nico repeated her words. Then, in a voice higher like Bianca's, if not a little higher pitch because puberty had yet to hit him, Nico continued. "Oh Nico, I'm so sorry, but I have to leave you in the ruins of our destroyed building, inches away from our parents dead bodies! But don't worry, because I would never do such a thing! I'll go and get us some milk since we're on our own now. You have fun, see you never!" Bianca and Nico shook, both being taken over by grief and anger. 

The crowd pulled back even farther, besides one. Leo walked up and stood in front of Nico protectively.

"Stay the fuck away from him bitch." Leo snarled. It was a sight to see, Leo's features contorted into anger, since anyone who knew him knew that Leo never got mad, let alone furious-which was what he was now. 

"Like your one to talk. The weird Latino kid across the street who killed his own mother." Bianca snarled back, fire burning in her eyes. 

Leo might have denied it, if he still didn't believe that it was his fault-the fire in his mother's work shop was hard to explain, and since Leo couldn't, he just blamed himself for it, since he was the only one around at the time, and his mother would never do such a thing. 

"What the hell do you want, anyways?" Leo asked, eyes narrowing. The fact the he didn't deny killing his mother made the crowd step back, yet again and made a certain, blue/green eyed punk want to pull Nico away from the little guy. Though he was little, who knew what the hell he was capable of?

"I wanted to see my brothe-"

"Let me rephrase. What does the demon spawned inside of you want with Nico?" Leo cut her off. Her eyes narrowed.

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