Fog Canyon

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Having killed Lurien, we made our way towards the Fog Canyon, and our next target, Monomon. She was locked up in the teacher's archives, and getting to her would require the help of a certain adventurous bug friend. Odds were, he was already waiting for us outside the teacher's archives.

Making our way through fog canyon was not fun. Looking at the jellyfish funny would cause them to pop, which wasn't a problem for the smaller jellyfish, but the bigger ones turned into homing missiles of death. The knight, unfortunately seemed to have a strange infatuation for them. We almost had to tie them to something and tote them through fog canyon.

Soon enough, we arrived at a void gate. I don't know if they're actually called that, but it sounds cool. Me and the knight quickly dashed through it without a second thought, but Mala didn't have that power.

"I'll take the long way around." Mala turned and walked off. For the first time in a while, it was just me and the knight again. We weren't particularly enjoying the experience however. The entire area was a platforming area, and the only reason I survived it was Isma's tear.

The knight seemed much more capable with jumping across the many pillars that arose out of the acid. They seemed to almost enjoy watching me fail. The knight sure had a lot of personality for a pure, hollow, vessel. I hated to think it, but I didn't think the knight would last as a hollow knight.

Soon, we had made our way through. We simply had to descend the cliff that lay before us. Something sat at the bottom. The white round shape seemed like the top of a vessel's head. Mala must've gotten here before us. We made our way down.

About halfway down, I stopped. That wasn't Mala, I was close enough to tell the horns weren't theirs. Unfortunately, I did recognize the horns. I knew that waiting at the bottom, was Mantle. After all this time, they were still following us. I made a signaling motion to let the knight know to stop.

Mantle was distracted by something. "Hello little one. Perhaps you have felt yourself drawn here just as I have. Wait. Your eyes! You're infected! Apologies little one, but I will defend myself." Mantle rushed forward, out of view. Me and the knight dropped down. They were fighting Quirrel.

Quirrel was doing incredibly well, fending off each of Mantle's attacks, despite his age. Me and the knight rushed into the battle. Mantle took little notice of us. It was like they knew how important Quirrel was. They only deflected me and the knight. They never tried to fight us. They wanted Quirrel dead.

Quirrel wasn't struggling at all, easily deflecting Mantle's strikes, before making his own. Mantle seemed to display a new emotion for the first time; fear. Quirrel swept Mantle's feet, putting the infected vessel on the ground. The knight tried to stab him, but he rolled away.

Mantle stood and ran. They knew they couldn't win this fight. Before long, they were out of sight. "Thank you little ones, you were very brave to help. That one was once a mighty warrior, I can tell." We then walked to the teacher's archives with Quirrel.

We finally arrived at the archives. They were massive, with several enormous jellyfish floating around it. Surely that's not a bad sign, right? We crossed the long bridge that connected both parts of the archives, and waiting for us at the other end, was Mala. "What took so long?"

That's it for this chapter! I know, it's a short one, but sometimes those are necessary. Not to mention that fog canyon is tiny compared to some of the other areas in the game. As I said last time, Vessel is drawing to a close. I hope you guys enjoy reading this, because I have a lot of fun writing it. That's all I have, so I'll see you in the next chapter!


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