Return To Dirtmouth

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The other Grimmkin had fallen without incident. With all of the flames "consumed" by Dave, it was time to return to Grimm. Unfortunately we wouldn't make it there before nightfall, so we set up camp in Greenpath. It was even more beautiful than it was when I passed through here with the knight. The infection was gone, and as such, everything was back to normal. Yet, Greenpath was still home to some dangerous creatures.

I took the first watch, as Hornet and Curth tried to get comfortable. For Curth, comfort was optional. They flopped over on their face and stopped moving entirely. Anyone that didn't know them would have thought they were dead.

Hornet took a bit longer to get comfortable, likely trying to brace herself for the night's nightmare. Hornet wasn't the type to let on that they were in pain, or troubled by something. Yet, now that I knew her, it was painfully obvious.

Eventually, Hornet fell asleep, and my shift had officially begun. It was surprisingly calm. There were no travelers on the road. They had all either reached their destinations, or set up camp for the night. Not even the many creatures of the area were around. As such, I briefly surveyed the camp.

The fire was dying down a bit, but the tarp above it should have been enough to keep it going for the night. Curth was still dead. Hornet had apparently fallen asleep and entered her nightmare. I still felt responsible for the suffering she had to go through every single night.

The dreamnail hung at my side. After the events of the Black Egg, it was decided that I would become the new wielder of the dreamnail, since I was the only other one there when the knight received it. Every night, I had the same thought; I could enter Hornet's nightmare and help her. But I didn't. As Grimm had revealed, Hornet's nightmares were extremely personal, and even if I did interfere, Grimm could just snap and make me fall over again.

Finally, my shift was over. It was time to wake up Hornet for her shift. I was always glad to wake her up. It was the only way I could help her. I touched her shoulder and she stood up. Hornet was a light sleeper. I guess that would help her survive.

The rest of the night passed uneventfully. Or at least, uneventfully in the waking world. Shortly after closing my eyes, I reawakened in the dream world. I was in my school. Only, the school was abandoned. The halls were dark, save the light coming through the glass doors. It was surprisingly unsettling. At the end of the hallway, a scarlet flame flickered.

As I walked toward it, I called out. "You could just appear like a normal bug, you know. You don't have to be dramatic every time." Grimm appeared where the flame had been. "Is there truly any reason I can't have my fun? Why am I not allowed to enjoy my brief life?"

The question stopped me dead in my tracks. Yet Grimm continued as if he had never asked. "It's not important. What, IS, important, is that you have completed the first step of the ritual! I can't wait until you return, champion!" With a flash of scarlet flame, he was gone.

I was still in the dream. Nothing was happening. Was there something I was meant to do? Confused, I started to walk around the school. It had been quite some time since I had been there, but I remembered the layout perfectly. Scattered around, were a few binders, books, the usual school supplies. I noticed a piece of notebook paper.

On the paper, was a drawing of Hornet's face, along with several flames surrounding her face. At the bottom of the page, was the number three. I didn't know what it meant. Or more accurately, I didn't want to know. I tried to leave the building.

I woke up. The natural light of the cavern was just starting to appear. It was time to get moving. I picked up Dave, as Hornet woke Curth. It didn't take long to reach Dirtmouth. At the top of the well, waiting for us, was Elderbug. "Ho there, friends. I have good news for you!"

Elderbug waited for us to exit the well before continuing. "I've found Ogrim!" Understandably, this caught Hornet's attention. "Vessel, surely you can deal with meeting Grimm?" I nodded and she turned to Elderbug. "Take us to him." Elderbug led the way, Hornet and Curth following close behind.

I made my way to Grimm's tent. Brumm was waiting outside. "Ah, yes... the master has been waiting for you... I suggest you do not keep him waiting for long..." Friendly as always. Sure enough, inside the tent's main room, was Grimm. "Ah, champion!... Where are your friends?"

"Oh well, no matter. We can begin without them. I see you've returned with the child. Yes, his power only grows. Come to me, my child." Dave shot up and flew over to Grimm. Grimm caught Dave and turned around for a moment. When he turned back around, Dave had reached his second form.

"Go! Back into the world! Find the flames again, and return to me when you do." Grimm ushered me out of the tent, before returning to his room. "And one more thing, don't forget about my warning." He disappeared in a flash of scarlet flame, cackling evilly to himself.

Hey again! It's been a while, but I was finally able to release this chapter. Things are really gonna pick up from here, so hold on tight! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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