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Landing at the bottom of the well was much less glorious and graceful than when the knight did the same thing. I landed on my face. Looking around the crossroads, I tried to remember what my first moves were when I played Hollow Knight. The Gruz mother seemed like a good starting point, so I attempted to walk over there.

It's much easier to get lost when everything isn't 2D. In my struggle to find the Gruz Mother, I was hit by 7 Aspid spitballs, 3 Gruzzers that flanked me, and I stepped on at least 30 tiktiks. Finally, I found the Gruz Mother.

"Welp." I thought, "Here goes nothing!" I charged into the boss fight room and smacked the Gruz Mother with my nail. Startled by the abrupt collision, the Gruz Mom awoke, flying towards me, with wings that apparently don't grow.

For whatever reason, this Gruz Mom was particularly partial to the ping pong attack, slamming up and down over and over again. I tried using my regular tactics, but fighting the real thing is much more difficult than the fight in the game.

Then I had a great idea. Using some stones and things like that, I propped up my nail, and waited for the slams. When the Gruz tried to slam down, I dodged and she flew straight into the nail. Knowing what was to come, I quickly retrieved my nail from the Gruz Mother. The eight gruzzers never stood a chance.

I immediately went to see Sly, to free him from his trance. I walked into his tent to find, he was gone. All I could do was chuckle. I'd nearly died several times to free Sly, but he wasn't even there. The only logical explanation was that the knight had gotten there first. But how?

Disappointed, I started to walk back to Dirtmouth. On the way, I nearly stumbled into the False Knight. Thank goodness I avoided that. At about that time, I heard footsteps and dove behind a large rock. The Knight walked by. He walked straight into the False Knight's chamber.

I watched the two battle, in shock of how skilled The Knight would have to be to pull off something like this. Of course he inevitably won the fight, destroying the floor in the process. It was then, that a brilliant idea came to me. I would follow The Knight, at a distance, allowing him to complete difficult tasks for me. And then, at the last second, I would sweep it ALL out from under him. What could go wrong?

Soon, The Knight emerged with the vengeful spirit, clearing the way to Greenpath. As they walked into the lush landscape, I followed, hoping that they would be able to defeat Hornet.

The next chapter will release at some point. Don't ask for release dates, or I'll pull a silksong on ya!

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