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I sat alone, my back to the wall. We had decided to stay at Dirtmouth's brand new inn, since we would rarely find such comforts again. I could afford my own room, so I payed for it. I had a lot to reflect on, and the added presence of Curth wouldn't make that any easier. Hornet always rented out her own room.

I looked down at the Grimmchild curled up next to me. I didn't know what to do. Grimm had claimed that he could help me get home. It had been three years, but the thought of returning home still sat in my mind.

Yet, the idea had its drawbacks. For starters, I didn't fully know whether or not I could trust Grimm. He was true to his word in the game, but it was still hard to tell. As well as that, accepting Grimm's quest would put me at odds with Hornet. I definitely didn't want that.

This was my only real chance of ever going home. It was worth almost any risk. But then another thought occurred to me. Hornet could cross freely between Hallownest and Earth. Even if I made it back, would she follow me? Would she kill me in my own world? In my own neighborhood? In my own yard? Would my family be in danger?

I had to make a choice. There would be no way of getting Hornet to see my perspective. Well, maybe there was one way. I could tell her how I knew so much. Then again, a self aware Hornet, or a Hornet overrun by existential crises, were not ideal.

Finally, I decided to sleep on it. I would feel better in the morning, and likely make a better decision. Funnily, I had gotten so used to sitting on benches, and sleeping there, that an honest to goodness bed, was no longer comfortable to me. Either way, I did eventually fall asleep.

Sleep, was not great. I was back on the hill I died on. There was no car, no kidnappers, no me. I was completely alone. Rain was falling heavily. Why my mind had put me here, was beyond me. I guessed my mind wasn't rather fond of me.

"You know this place well, I assume." I turned to find Grimm, standing a good distance away from me. "At least you should know it well. You underwent a... substantial change here."

I was ready to just walk over and punch Grimm, but I needed his help, so that probably wouldn't be a great idea. "I hear your thoughts. The nightmare is my domain after all. Why not speak to me? You've every opportunity."

"I'm a vessel. I can't spe-." Why was I suddenly able to speak? Vessels can't speak. "You think some worthy questions, my friend. Try looking at yourself." Looking down, I saw that I was, me. I was human again. I didn't want to be human in this nightmare. Although I guess it didn't really hurt. Grimm claimed to have seen my nightmares, and my dreams. He likely already knew what I looked like as a human.

"Now then, since you've finally understood how this works, I think we can call this meeting to order. You know why I'm here, don't you?" As I started to respond, Grimm cut me off. "Of course you do. I expected no less from the star of my show!"

It was time to see if I could get any answers. "How do I know I can trust you?" Grimm almost chuckled at my question. "Despite how much it has proved useful to you, you forsake your knowledge completely. You know that I will not be the fall of Hallownest. There's only one bug you need to convince." Grimm snapped his fingers and suddenly Hornet appeared next to me.

"Do try to pull yourself together, princess." It wasn't until Grimm's comment, that I noticed the stream of tears rolling down Hornet's face. I wasn't sure what the nightmare king had put her through while explaining the meeting to me, but it clearly wasn't anything good.

I walked over to Hornet, in what was almost an attempt to comfort her, before I remembered that Hornet would probably kill me for recognizing her smallest weaknesses.

"And now, we may finally begin our meeting." Grimm seemed as if he were beaming with joy. "As you are, no doubt aware, you will both be gathering the flames to complete the ritual-" "WE WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Hornet interrupted.

Grimm frowned, something I had never seen him do, but it definitely didn't seem sincere. "Princess, do you recall your latest nightmare?"

Hornet froze. Like me, she probably had a feeling she knew where this was going. And neither of us liked it. "If you fail to recall, you best try harder. Your nightmares will only worsen, and worsen, and worsen. I assume you've heard of night terrors? You seem knowledgeable enough." Hornet slowly nodded. I definitely knew where this was going, and it was bad. "Take too long, and one day, you won't awaken from them. Once you fall, so will your huggy friend. Should they also fall, I will have no choice, champion."

A wave of dread washed over me when I heard those words. I had already lost everything by being here, and Grimm had immediately threatened everything I had gained since I came here. Hornet and Curth were all I had left. Hearing them threatened, ignited something within me. I grabbed my nail off my back and rushed Grimm.

He snapped his fingers and I collapsed. I couldn't move anymore. "Foolish. This is my domain! I control everything here! I, AM, THE NIGHTMARE, KING!!!"

Grimm raised his clawed hand, ready to strike me down. "Fine!" Grimm seemed surprised. He looked up at Hornet, before she spoke again. "Fine. We'll do it." Grimm flashed one of his almost trademark menacing smiles. "Well then, I'd say this meeting is over." I woke up. One thought sat on the back of my mind. "What had I done?"

Sorry this one took so long to put out. I have a lot of irl work right now, so the uploads are gonna be a bit slower. Thanks for sticking with me this far. I'll see you in the next chapter!

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