The City

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The city of tears had always been one of my favorite places in the game, but seeing it to scale, was truly something else. Hornet had disappeared, but it didn't seem to bother the knight. In fact, they almost looked at peace.

We kept walking, and eventually found everyone's favorite bug, Quirrel, sitting on a bench. Quirrel looked over at the pair of vessels approaching, and greeted us. "Hello there little one!"

"I see you've found a friend. Cherish that. Friends are hard to come by these days."

We sat on the bench, next to him, and looked out the massive window, onto the rain that would never stop falling. Quirrel spoke again. "This city could hold the key to many a mystery. Though now that I'm here, I can't seem to work up the nerve to go in."

As we got up, some time later, Quirrel made a final remark. "I've heard that the endless rain comes from a lake, far above the city. I hope I live to see it someday."

We continued further into the city, fighting through city guards, husks, and a surprisingly large amount of vengefly. After a considerable trek, we reached a large fountain, that appeared to be more like a monument.

Hornet zipped into view, on her thread. Landing lightly, next to us, she spoke. "Ghosts, do you see this monument? This vessel perfected, is all that holds back a terrible light from consuming our kingdom." "While it is in your nature to attempt to usurp such a vessel, the task will be difficult, with many an obstacle. Yet I know that you wish to continue. Seek the grave in ash, and the mark it would grant to one like you." Then she leapt into the air and flew away again.

After a silent conversation, the knight and I decided to split up, and find as much as we could in the city. They went back through the way we came, and I progressed further into the city.

Before too long, I had located Lemm's shop, but I didn't have any relics, so I didn't go in. I also managed to find the entrance to the royal waterways. But no key, means no waterways, so I kept going. I returned to the fountain, which I hoped the knight would return to, to share what I had found.

A set of antlers was visible on the other side of the fountain, so, assuming it was the knight, I made my way over. However, this vessel was clearly not the knight. With large horns, sprouting smaller horns, a crack in it's shell, running over it's eye, and a strange cape, this vessel did not seem friendly.

The dead giveaway to it's unfriendliness, was the faint orange glow in it's eyes. That glow could only mean one thing, infection. Noticing me, the vessel turned to face me. It looked as though it had known me all it's life, and was ready to end it. The vessel drew it's nail.

The pure blade shined, through the dark rain of the city. I drew my own nail, though it was not of the same quality. The blade was well crafted, but would prove no match against the pure nail.

The strange vessel made the first move. Charging across the square, the uppercut of the nail was difficult to avoid, but I managed to pull it off. I counter-swung, only to have my nail knocked away by a defensive sword punch. The sound of the metal crashing to the ground, seemed to signify that the fight was over. However, at that moment, a familiar sound greeted my non existent ears. The Knight's footsteps could be heard returning. Noticing the conflict, they leapt into battle, forcing the vessel to retreat a few paces. I rushed to retrieve my nail, in an attempt to join the fray.

The strange vessel became aware that the odds were now in our favor. It shoved off the knight with a well timed swing, before running in the direction of the city gates. We watched it leave, in shocked silence. I didn't see any identity on the vessel, so I decided to give it a name. I'd call it... Mantle.

The plot thickens! Sorry for taking longer on this chapter, I couldn't figure out what to wright for it. Either way, I hope you enjoyed! See you in the next chapter.

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