Hornet Vs Paper

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Hornet landed gracefully next to me. Upon realizing that I existed, she immediately drew her needle. I heroically waved both arms in front of my face as fast as I possibly could. Then I remembered the tool I had purchased for this exact scenario.

I produced the notepad and quill from my pocket, narrowly dodging the needle that came flying towards me. Frantically, I started writing my message. I wrote like my life depended on it. Because it did. The needle came back to Hornet, forcing me to dodge again. Fortunately, by then, My message was written.

I handed Hornet the note. She glanced at it, then demanded that I throw down my weapon, or she would kill me immediately. Not wanting to get stabbed, I let my nail drop to the ground. It wouldn't do me much good anyways.

Now feeling secure, Hornet read the note. It said "I am not trying to supplant the Hollow Knight, for I am not hollow, nor do I have the necessary combat skill. Please don't kill me." To my surprise, Hornet didn't kill me.

Rather than killing me, she merely asked a question. "Vessel, who taught you how to write?" I figured she was just curious, since none of the other vessels could read or write.
And so, I continued to write another message.

"I am not from here." I wrote on my notepad. "I am not sure how I ended up here, but I believe that I am supposed to follow that vessel."

Hornet seemed confused, but asked no further questions. Instead she simply told me that the knight might be able to solve the great problem of Hallownest, the infection. She then warned me "Should you attempt to interfere, or claim the ghost's glory for yourself, I will personally cut you down with my needle."

I actually almost laughed, remembering that the poor knight would have to fight Hornet again in the Kingdom's Edge. Fortunately for me, vessels can't laugh, so Hornet didn't stab me right then and there.

After that bit of advice, she once again revealed some thread, and Spider-Maned out of there. Then the knight woke up. They grabbed the mothwing cloak, and dashed away. I also grabbed a mothwing cloak, and dashed after them.

That was a short chapter. I'll try to go back to normal length with the next one.

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