6. DJ Suki Meets Queen Barb

Start from the beginning

Barb: None taken.

Poppy: (To Dj Suki) But, that's over for now.

Barb: (To Poppy) Yeah, yeah, so what's the emergency meeting about Poppy?

Poppy: (As she answered them) It is very special guys. It's about me and my boyfriend Branch.

DJ Suki: Wow, you have a boyfriend now?

Poppy: Well, once. But all that is going to change, beside me and Branch are going to have a super duper trolls' wedding!

Then the Hard Rock Trolls shouted with joy, and even Queen Barb was glad about this news too.

Barb: Wow, that is great! And can I be your best girl?

Poppy: Sure!!

DJ Suki: (To Poppy, as she was upset) Now hold on! I thought I was going to be your best girl?

Poppy: (As she answered to DJ) Well, Actually, I going to have two best girls in between. Just you on the left and Barb on the right.

DJ Suki: (Being Confusing) I don't find that interesting.

Barb: So when do we plan this wedding for you? Today, tomorrow, Wednesday?

Poppy: (As she pause them) Um, I afraid we can't have a wedding to style in your way. Cause we already made the decision to make our trolls' wedding to our way. The Pop style. But, you will be providing the music, and DJ Suki will be here to help you.

DJ Suki: (Shocked) What?!?

All Hard Rock Trolls: (As they were shocked) WHAT?!?

Poppy: Trust me, I know it will work. Just let DJ here, have the quality time with you guys, while you provide the music for the reception together. Well of course the Wedding March will start first, and then you begin the music, once Branch and I said our "I do's". (As she hand DJ Suki to the Hard Rock Trolls) I know that you'll be quite good friends, as much as I do. But, I'm sure you'll get along somehow.

Barb: You mean, you want us to stick with this loser.

Riff: Fairy weird.

DJ Suki: I am not a loser, I am a great pop troll, and you know it.

Poppy: (To her friend, DJ Suki.) DJ, just show our friends where our wedding will be taken place. I'm going to check on Branch, to see how he's doing. And when we're all together, We can all live in harmony by singing a song. (She held up a guitar, and starts to play one simple song from Sesame Street, entitled "Sing")
"La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la"
(Spoken) You know like that. Cause we're living in harmony now.

DJ Suki: What? But th— (She felt so confusing and then she Decide to obeyed Poppy's order) Oh, right. (To the Hard Rock Trolls) Come, I'll show where we can play. (As the Hard Rock Trolls begin to follow her)

Sid Fret: Well that will difficult, to hang around with this weirdo.

Riff: Yeah, a weirdo.

Barb: (To Poppy) Uh, are you sure this is gonna work?

Poppy: (As she shovels Barb away) Trust me, I know it will. Now get to know her, while I able to commend the wedding plans. (So everybody left and Poppy was well on her own) And I'll catch up with you later.

Then suddenly Poppy hear a strange voice from out of nowhere.

Bomb-Jaw: (In a granny's voice) Flowers, fresh flowers! (Poppy Turn around and their she saw a old beggar woman troll, wearing a black rob, and holding up some pretty flowers) Come and get your lovely and fresh flowers!

As sinister music appears.

Poppy: Why hello there old lady. (As she walks by her) Welcome to our Pop Troll Village. I'm Queen Poppy. Daughter of King Peppy. (As she hand out the invention to her) And you're a quarterly invited to the wedding ceremony of Queen Poppy, which is me, and Branch. Be here on Friday Morning.

Bomb-Jaw: Oh, that's very lovely dear. Of course you may what to have pretty flowers on your wedding.

Poppy: Really, what kind?

Bomb-Jaw: Oh, lots of it, dearie. Rosies, Freesias, Rhododendrons, Ranunculus, Snapper Dragons, und Daisies.

Poppy: (Then Poppy made her Decision) Hmmm... I'll take, the daisies! (As she pick up on Daisy) It can the perfect choice for our wedding!

Bomb-Jaw: A good choice my dear.

Poppy: (As she begins to smell the flower) Oh, this is gonna be great. Wait till I show this to Branch! (But then a little black drip spilled it on her right hand) Oh. A little drip of shower. (As she wipe it off) Must get in the bunker soon, before it wet outside. (Then another little black drip spilled it on her left hand, then she wipe it off) Ah, there it goes again. I wouldn't expect Cloud Guy to the make the rain so... early. (But then, suddenly, the little drips begin to grow, as they were growing bigger on her, and it was no drip of rain, and it was growing ooze of the Dark Water. Poppy got scared as she tries to get these things off.) Ahhh, what's going on? Ohh, get it off of me! GET IT OFF, ME!!!

So the two dark water let go of Poppy's hands and they were spilled on the ground. And then the two dark water morph into two evil Dark Water Trolls. Poppy begin to look scared.

Poppy: Aggggggggggh!

Then the two dark water trolls rush to her and grab Poppy's arms, In their custody. Poppy tries to break loose but there were too strong.

Poppy: (To the dark water trolls) Hey, let go of me! What do you think your doing? If this was one of Ba—

Then the old lady revealed herself as she took her cloak off, and it was Bomb-Jaw in Disguise. She knew that it was a trap for Queen Poppy.

Bomb-Jaw: (As she call on the hair phone) Code red, to breaker, mate! We got the Poppy in our hands. Repeat, we got the Poppy in our hands.

So Bomb-Jaw and the two Dark Water drag Poppy away, as they were sinking down to the bottom of the ground, like it was quicksand in a swamp. But with power of the Dark Water.

Poppy: (As she tries to strangle her out!) Hey, let me go. You big ugly troll you! (As she look at the sinking hole of the dark water) Oh, no. (Shouting) NO!!!

And then for a moment, they were gone, leaving only the talking sun, saying this line.

Talking Sun: Whoa.

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