Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"You killed them! All those people! You killed them!" -Bloody Mary

Episode 5 Bloody Mary

Skye's POV

We are driving down the road. I am on my cell phone. "Oh really? Ah that's too bad Mr. Worthington. I would have paid a lot for that mirror. Okay, well maybe next time. All right, thanks." I say and hang up.

"So?"Dean asks. "So that was Mary's brother. The mirror was in the family for years, until he sold it one week ago to a store called Estate Antiques. A store in Toledo." I say. "So wherever the mirror goes that's where Mary goes?" Dean asks. "Her spirits definitely tied up with it somehow."I say.

"Isn't there an old superstition that says mirrors can capture spirits?" Dean asks. "Yeah there is. Yeah, when someone would cover up the mirrors so the ghost wouldn't get trapped." Sam says. "So her spirit." I say. "Yeah but how could she move through like a hundred different mirrors." Dean says.

"I don't know, but if the mirror is the source, I say we find it and smash it." Sam says. "Yeah, I don't know, maybe." I say. My phone rings. "Hello?" I ask. "Skye!" Charlie says. There is fear in her voice. "Charlie." I say. "I'm in trouble." She cries.


Charlie is sitting on the bed with her head between her knees and I hold her as Sam and Dean have all of the curtains drawn shut, and are throwing sheets over the mirrors, or facing them to the wall or the floor.

"Hey, hey it's okay. Hey, you can open up your eyes. Charlie. It's okay, all right?" I say. Charlie looks up. "Now listen. You're gonna stay right here on this bed and you're not gonna look at glass, or anything else that has a reflection, okay? And as long as you do that, she can't get you." Sam says.

"But I can't keep that up forever. I'm gonna die, aren't I?" She asks. "No. No. Not anytime soon." I say. Dean sits on the bed too and Sam goes out to the car. "All right Charlie. We need to know what happened." Dean says.

"We were in the bathroom. Donna said it." Charlie says. "That's not what we're talking about. Something happened, didn't it? In your life...a secret...where someone got hurt. Can you tell us about it?" I ask. "I had a boyfriend, I loved him. But he kind of scared me too, you know? And one night, at her house, we got in this fight. Then I broke up with him, and he told me he loved me, and he said. Charlie if you walk out that door right now, I'm gonna kill myself. And you know what I said? I said Go ahead. And I left. How could I say that? How could I leave him like that? I just...I didn't believe him, you know? I should have." She says and puts her face on her knees and cries again.

I hold her closer rubbing her arm. "Sounds like someone I use to know but different situation." Dean says looking at me. "Not now." I say. Dean shakes his head and leaves.

A few minutes later Charlie calms down. "What did he mean by sounds like someone I use to know but different situation?" She asks. "It's a long story that I don't feel like telling." I say. Charlie nods. I use to have this boyfriend in highschool and he was abusive. Dean found out when I came back to the motel with a handprint on my cheek. He was pissed and almost beat the guy to death.

My phone goes off and I check the caller I.D. It's Dean. "Dean?" I ask as I answer. "Need help." He says then he hangs up. "Charlie I need a car," I say. She hands me her car keys and I leave to the shop.

Once I got their I find two cops knocked out and Dean breathing heavy. "Really Dean?" I ask. "Took you long enough." He says. I shake my head and we go inside. We find Sam on the ground and his reflection yelling at him. "You dreamt it would happen!!!" Sam's reflection yells.

Dean takes the crowbar and smashes the mirror. I bend down to the floor to Sam. "Sam. Sammy!" I say. "It's Sam." He says. "God, are you okay?" I ask as blood runs down his cheek from his eyes. "Uh, yeah." He says. "Come on, come on." Dean says.

Dean helps me help Sam up. We put Sam's arm over our necks and we walk out, We hear glass crunching behind us and turn around to see Mary climb out of the mirror. This is the most creepiest thing I've ever seen. I start feeling pain and crushing in me and fall to to the ground onto my knees along with Sam and Dean.

I feel wetness sliding down from my eyes and down my cheek. Blood. Dean reaches up and pulls over a mirror so that Mary is forced to see her own reflection. "You killed them! All those people! You killed them!" Her reflection yells as Mary starts choking to death and melts into a pile of blood.

Dean throws down the mirror he held and it shatters. "Hey guys" Dean says. "Yeah?" Me and Sam ask. "This has got to be like...what? 600 years bad luck?" Dean says. We all chuckle weakly.

~Car-Next Day~

We are in the car. Me and Charlie in the back. Dean pulls up in front of a house. "So this is really over?" Charlie asks. Dean nods. "Yeah, it's over." Dean says. "Thank you." She says. Dean reaches back to shake her hand and she gets out of the car.

"Charlie." I say causing Charlie to turn around. "Your boyfriend's really should try to forgive yourself. No matter what you did, you probably couldn't have stopped it. Sometimes bad things just happen." I say.

Charlie smiles faintly, then turns around to go into the house. "That's good advice." Dean says as we drive off. "Hey Sam?" Dean asks. "Yeah?" Sam says. "Now that this is all over, I want you to tell us what that secret is." Dean says. "'re my brother and Skye you're like my sister, but some things I need to keep to myself."

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