Rock climbing isnt for losers. (NOW)

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           The band was pretty good I had to say. Jayce was killing it on the drums and my ears couldn't be happier. The night was going well and his friends were nice to me.

       I'm leaned up against the bar looking at them him play.

    "So Jayce says your only in town for a couple days."One of his friends says to me.

I look over at the skinny high-school boy and say "yeah I'm not sure what my plan is right now  just here visiting my dad and to support my family."

"That's nice I'm sure they're happy your here. I know Jayce is."

I smile at him looking back at the band. I wonder why it took this long for him to get a band together. He knows so many people. He could have been doing this years ago.

The band singer lets people know they're taking a break and Jayce hurry's over to us throwing his hand on my shoulder.

"So do I get big sis's approval ?"  He tilts his head sideways and grins at me.

"Wellllllll I have to say ...... your pretty good. Makes me wonder why you didn't start this up sooner."

He comes beside me pushing back his hair. He's wearing a white t and black vest over it with long necklaces. Giving off the vibe that he's cool but relaxed. He really does look older for his age. I bet these girls think he's in college.
"It's hard to find guys that actually want to be in a band. And most of them suck. So it takes time to make a good group."

"Yeah that makes sense."

I see some girls at the end of the bar checking him out with they're tight little outfits and roll me eyes.

He looks at me then over to the girls and smiles.

"They're regulars here."

"They look like they want to tie you to the bed and do unimaginable things to you."

He gives an idk look as he takes a water from the bartender.

"I have a girl I'm interested in. I don't need all of that ruining it."

I nod my head and smile at him. " Whats her name?"

"Lacey" He says looking around at all the people in the bar as if searching for her.

"She doesn't come to stuff like this does she ?" I say raising an eye brow.

He turns back to me seeming sad "Yeah no I wouldn't expect her to"

"Maybe you should invite her."I say smiling.

"Yeah maybe. I don't know she seems busy."

"Maybe if she knows you want her here she will want to be here".

" Ya know your kinda smart sometimes." He says winking at me.

I nod my head. And watch as the people all entangle together. Some arguing, some kissing and some just dancing they're asses off to the weirdest shit.  Haven't been to a bar in a long time. And I don't really miss it.

"How much longer are you gonna stay?"

"Probably just a little, mom has plans for me tomorrow". I say sipping the root beer I had.

"That she does, well I know Zach over here can give you a lift his mom doesn't like him out past 11:30. The other guys can ride back with me."

Zach is taller than Jayce and has dark blonde hair. He's wearing a plaid flannel that is unbuttoned at the top.

Zach gives him a look then smiles at me "Yeah let me know I'm not big into the bar scene anyways"

Jayce looks at him saying " Cause your still sippin in milk baby boy."

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