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      Mom told me to never go out alone. She said stay with your friends and always be prepared for anything. She says "People aren't who you think they are Clair" of coarse I think about her words. But deep down I want to be a rebel and have fun, tonight I will.

   Getting in the car with Shannon was an easy choice to make on a Saturday night to try to see a live band for the first time. It was 11pm and my parents were fast asleep so I didn't worry about getting caught sneaking out. Shannon was the kind of friend you dreamed about finding in high school. She was the friend that you could tell all your secrets to and never worry about what she would think. She was easy and kind. A true spirit I could rely on when I'm need.
    Shannon has dyed plum colored hair and bright green cat eyes with a ferocious smile. she's a year older than me but that doesn't limit us. We met one day at a school basketball game when she sat down next to me and complimented my skirt. Tonight Shannon is the same girl she's always been. Here for me.

   " So I know you probably aren't interested but Travis and Dom are showing up tonight" she says whipping her head my way.

I look at her and think about the two senior boys she said.
" Really?....... didn't they both get with Gretchen at the same time ?"

"Ew I hope not. I can't see them in a threesome together. Travis is really nice though"she says.

"He's alright" I say turning the music on.

When we get to the club we don't see any bouncers so we walk right in. The place is packed and it smells like marijuana. Shannon immediately starts getting talked to by some ginger that looks like he could barf any minute. Gross.
"Shannon!" I blurt.

She turns back in my direction. "What?"

I shake my head at her "Really? Let's go." I walk towards the bar that is packed and she follows.
I don't drink but doesn't mean I won't go up to the bar to be noticed. I'll just get a water, don't need to come home and have my parents catch booze on my breath. The bar area isn't moving I try to force my way between a couple guys smiling and saying "sorry" they just smile and turn back to they're conversations. Once I'm in the front I check behind me for Shannon who's still with me.
  When I turn back there's a pretty brunette bartender coming up to me.
"Welcome what can I get ya?" She pulls out a cardboard coaster and I look at Shannon raising my eyebrows.

"I'll have a jack on the rocks and a water"

"And I'll have just a lemon water" I say.

The girl nods and gets busy. Turning back around I see the band setting up and seeming almost ready. It's 11:30 they should be on any minute. Shannon bobs her head back and forth to the Stereo music.
"I heard the lead singer is into pineapple juice" she says with a one sided smile.

Laughing I say " Well that's a good reason to go down under"

"Alright ladies, $6.50" I turn around and the bartender pushes over a check.

I hand over the cash and seconds later she brings the drinks to where we are.

Passing Shannon hers I grab mine and look around the room in mystery of the place. I've never been here but it's decent. They have twinkling lights all over the ceiling and old school posters all over the walls. With they're bar wall full of old license plates and the booze sitting on shelves in front of them.

"There they are, the girls"

Hearing a familiar voice I turn to see the boys and roll my eyes. Dominic is looking very good white t, flannel and black jeans. God he can make a girl wet. His tan is so vibrant and makes his eyes stand out dark brown hair pushed back. Staring at him.....I could do for a while. Just wait til he's 25. Travis on the other hand uwghhhh Travis is the one that is all about the jock lifestyle. He likes the attention and try's to get any girl he can. Gross. He's in a torn up maroon t with chains and ripped faded jeans. His curly short blonde hair suits him with his smooth lady talking voice.

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