Intro: Family and Friends

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Milo ManheimAsNathan

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Milo Manheim


ake is by far the biggest player out of all the guys. He may be a huge player but he is probably the sweetest guy you will ever meet. His family adopts children from all over the world. He has 7 siblings, all adopted, 1 from each continent. He is the only biological child in his family. All of his siblings are 10 or younger, so he has the most responsibility out of everyone. His parents aren't home arounf alot. They are't the kind of parents that have horrible relationships with their kids though. Everynight, Jake sets up a video chat on the TV in the living room. This lets all 8 kids including Jake, to talk to thier parents. Jake drives an 8 person van for when he has his siblings and a Tesla for when its just him and a couple others. His siblings call him Jakey but his parents and the guys call him Jay.

Justice's Family:

Bethany Crombin is Justice's mom. She is super suportive of everything Justice does. Bethany runs a world wide childrens help center. Basically she runs a company that help children get adopted, fostered, or if they already have family, then they help give the family food, water, shelter and clothing. Her company teams up with orphanages all over the world. They make money by getting donations and selling merch and things like that. Bethany is bestfriends with the moms of Jake, Ty, Nathan, and Michael. All of the boy's moms are cofounders to My Children, the name of they childrens help center.

Christopher Crombin, or Chris Crombin is Justice's dad. He is also very supportive of Justice. He helps Justice practice for all of his sports. When Justice is doing track, Chris is in a golf cart yelling out homework questions for Justice to answer. Same thing for all the sports but sometimes he doesn't have a golf cart. If Justice gets something wrong, Chriss will make him do pushups or extra laps, just extra stuff like that. Chris runs Crombin Co. one of the most succesful companies in California. Like Bethany, Chris is friends with all of the boys fathers. The 5 fathers run Crombin Co.

Athena Crombin is Justice's little sister. She is 8 years old and is an amputee. When Athena was 6 she was in a car accident with Bethany and ended getting both her arms amputated due to severe nerve damage. Athena isn't the happiest 8 year old but can you blame her. Because of the accident, Justice learned how to do all sorts of things to hair. He knows all sorts of braids and styles. Every morning Justice helps Athena get ready and then takes her to school. The two siblings have gotten super close the past 2 years and rarely ever fight, unless it's playfighting. Athena is amazing at fighting with her legs to the point where even when Justice doesn't take it easy on her, he still loses almost half the time.

Ella's Family.

Katherine Jacobs is Ella's mother. Katherine is a fashion designer. She claims to love Ella but she doesn't. Katherine helps Joe rape and torture Ella. She mostly sits back and watches. Katherine loves all her children. She spoils them endless. Well, everyone but Ella. When Ella was born, her mother absolutely hated her. Ella is the middle child and all Katherine wanted was another boy. She had given birth to Chase then Jaycee then Anna then Ella. After having 2 girls Katherine was so mad she purposely gave Ella a unique and wierd first name (Ella Layloni). She then gave birth to Isabella then Ivana then Maybelle then Torissa. Katherine got pregnant almost always right after giving birth

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