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  Fireheart's heart pounded hard, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he sprinted towards ThunderClan camp, wishing all the while that he had not strayed so far in despair from being exiled. Sandstorm kept pace with him, her golden pelt a flash in the corner of his eye - sprinting ahead as she caught sight of a red splotch of blood.

Skidding to a stop, Sandstorm and Fireheart sniffed the splotch of blood. Rabbits? Fireheart looked up at Sandstorm worriedly. "Why would any ThunderClan cat waste fresh-kill?"

Sandstorm shook her head, eyes darkening in anger. "I don't think we did it, Fireheart."

A snarl sounded from the undergrowth nearby. Fireheart turned, a movement on his right - seen from his peripheral vision, causing him to turn in defense. The black cat barrelled right into him as it lunged, claws outstretched to snap his neck.

Sandstorm hissed in fury, launching on top of the black cat choking Fireheart down. Together, they rolled down the slight incline of the hill they were on, fur bristling and claws lashing as they tried to get the upperhand of each other. Sandstorm's claws sliced deep through the cat's pelt, leaving marks that immediately welled up with bright crimson blood.

Fireheart, gauging the time and distance, launched from his attack position just as the black cat flipped Sandstorm over. His claws dug into the cat's shoulder as he heaved the cat backwards - causing him to unbalance. Quickly, Fireheart dug his claws near the cat's throat in warning. His eyes narrowed when he saw who it was.

"Darkstripe?" Sandstorm snarled, emerald eyes narrowing in sharp hatred. "What are you doing here? What's all this?"

Darkstripe's lips curled in both distaste and yet... pleasure. His eyes glinted with the knowledge that he had the upper hand, and that he still won even if he were to die. Fireheart squeezed his throat tighter, causing him to wheeze and choke while Sandstorm felt like strangling him there and then, impatient to hear his response. "Lis-ten..." was all he gasped between gasps of air.

Rhythmic pounding on the ground made the two cats look up in alarm, fur standing on end, bristling as four-legged beasts rounded a corner sending dust up with their momentum. Fireheart leaped back from Darkstripe in alarm, beckoning Sandstorm to leave, back towards camp.

Rearing out of their path, Sandstorm and Fireheart were quick to avoid the beasts' trampling paws - leaving Darkstripe in their path. He could barely lift his head, still gasping for air, when the first beast reached him. With an angry growl, its jaw salivating from the scent of rabbits still permuting the air, it closed its teeth around the easy prey and tossed it away, out of sight. Barking, the dog beckoned for the rest to follow as they continued their way straight towards ThunderClan camp.

Fireheart's heart ran at triple the speed, his legs fervently trying to keep up with the panic surging through his veins. When they reached the camp, cats were in brawls with the beasts - around three for every dog there was. At the sight of Dustpelt laying strewn across the camp, Sandstorm gave a worried yelp and rushed to his side to protect him.

Fireheart was about to follow when he heard a panicked yelp from the medicine cat den. Cinderpaw! Alarm ringing in his mind, he raced towards the medicine cat den, ducking past the ferns and skidding to a stop behind a huge dog sniffing its surroundings.

Yellowfang, claw marks scratched across her pelt, lay panting in the corner, her eyes dim with exhaustion. Cinderpaw lay in a helpless bundle by the side, the claws on her broken leg evidence of her fight against the dog but failing to win. "Fireheart!" she cried at the sight of him, relief pouring over her but at the same time fear for him overcoming her. "Don't come any closer."

The dog swept its gaze around the den once more, sensing the fear pulsing from the injured or sick cats. Protectiveness rose inside Fireheart. Giving a caterwaul, he leaped onto the dog's back, piercing its fur and digging his claws into its shoulder. The dog reared back, throwing him off. Fireheart landed on the ground, and hissed to grab its attention. Its eyes lit with fury, and followed Fireheart out of the den and into broad daylight.

Bluestar raced over to help him as he fended off the beast's blows. "I'm glad you came back, Fireheart." Bluestar commented between jabs. Fireheart grunted his acknowledgement, avoiding the dog's large swipes.

Just then, a loud yowl rang through the camp. Fireheart's attention was diverted for just a second as he spun around, heart thudding in fear that it was Sandstorm.

Dustpelt lay crouched near Brindleface's limp body, his head turned upward to the sky, face frozen in a look of anguish.

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