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  Fireheart stretched in a leisurely manner, padding out of his den. The sun stroked his coat, turning his fur a blazing orange. "Cinderpaw!" He called, looking around for his apprentice.

 She ran out of the apprentice den, eyes sparkling in excitement. "I'm here, Fireheart! What are we doing today?"

  He purred, flicking his tail over her ear, amused at her excitement. "We're going to go hunting." As Cinderpaw bounced off ahead of him, he shook his head, still marvelling at how different she was from Brackenpaw. Her brother was obviously more calm and collected than her.

  As they padded into a shady area, Fireheart looked around. Finally he spotted a fern for Cinderpaw to practice on. "Show me your hunting crouch," he ordered as he sat down, curling his tail over his paws as he overlooked Cinderpaw's crouch. "Cinderpaw, your tail's moving too much. At least raise it above the ground so you don't disturb the leaves underneath."

  Cinderpaw paused, focusing on her tail. It eventually stopped moving. Looking up, she gave him a slightly embarrassed but still excited look. "Sorry, Fireheart."

  "Let's work on your pounce." He nodded to the fern.

  Cinderpaw could barely feel her paws, but she forced herself to keep walking anyway. Mouth-watering scents wafted to her nose as she smelt the prey she carried in her mouth. Today had been a successful hunt.

  These past few days being Fireheart's apprentice had been a dream come true. She deeply admired him and - wait, was that feelings she felt for him?

  Cinderpaw shook her head, trying to push away these uncomfortable thoughts. What was wrong with her?

  Fireheart turned to face Cinderpaw at the camp entrance. His eyes sparkled fondly down at her, and she couldn't help but feel her heart leap in excitement. "Good job today, Cinderpaw. We'll learn more battle moves tomorrow."

  Cinderpaw nodded eagerly, speaking past the prey in her mouth, "Thanks!" She was about to ask another question or two, gathering her courage so as to keep the conversation moving when Sandstorm bounded past.

  "Fireheart! Let's share this mouse I caught. It's really juicy," Sandstorm mewed, dropping the mouse she carried in her mouth.

  Cinderpaw could see surprise flashing in Fireheart's eyes. Sandstorm didn't usually treat him like this. He purred and nodded, joining her as she walked into camp, leaving Cinderpaw behind.

  Cinderpaw sighed and continued walking in alone.

  Fireheart was captured by the flame burning in Sandstorm's green eyes. She was... different from last time. He could see her vibrancy, her life.

  As she tore into the mouse, chatting about random things, he realised just how much more friendly she actually was. He twitched his ears, stopping his thoughts before it could progress even further. He tried tuning in to what she was trying to say, but all he could do was stare into those deep, beautiful green eyes.

  Sandstorm blinked. "Hello? Fireheart?"

  "Uh-yea?" Fireheart shook himself out of his reverie and hurriedly bit into the mouse.

  Sandstorm stared at him for a moment. "Did you hear a word of what I just said?"

  "Um... yea? I guess?" Fireheart mumbled, swallowing his mouse down a little too quickly in alarm. Was she going to lose her temper? Was she about to lash out at him? Was she mad? Was she-

  She broke into a purr, swatting her paw over his ear. "You obviously are not a very bright cat, are you?" Her eyes sparkled with amusement, and he was once again drawn into those deep green pools. "Hey, don't go all dreamy on me again." Sandstorm stretched, standing up.

  Fireheart yawned, finishing off the last of the mouse. "I'm really tired, I'll go to the warriors den first."

  Sandstorm nodded. "Have a good rest," she mewed as she padded off.

  Yea, I need to sort out my thoughts of you. Fireheart thought as he padded into the warriors den. Sighing, he curled up. Spottedleaf... are you in StarClan now? I don't know what I'm feeling...

  Cinderpaw lay in the apprentice's den, facing the ceiling where she could just about manage to see the night stars twinkling overhead. Fireheart... will you ever notice me? 

Author's Note:

First chapter of the story is up :) what do you guys think?

Do you guys ship Cinderpaw and Fireheart or Fireheart and Sandstorm?

Ahh I'm excited for this story, let's see how this turns out haha :)) Hope you guys enjoyed this and look out for more chapters!!

See ya,


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