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She swear she could almost sense him.

But after all this wasn't the first time her mind played tricks on her. She'd experienced this cycle before. Mistaking him for someone else as she walked down the street, hearing his voice in someone else's whilst having a conversation, seeing his eyes whenever she closed her own. She knew their parting was going to be hard, but sometimes it surprised her with how unbearable it could be. She'd already gotten a taste of what it was like to be separated from him, but as months turns into years the taste went from bitter to sour, and she'd lost hope.

So like she promised him, she tested the waters with some new relationships—well relationship. William Dey and her had their go, but inevitably it didn't work out, they had fun though, but they both came to the conclusion that maybe that was all it was going to be. Throughout that relationship she noticed how he could never quite match her current. And of course that wasn't just the only thing that contributed to their spilt. The comfort she desired when bad days came along, the understanding she longed for when she desperately needed to talk. He couldn't give that to her, and she knew she couldn't go the rest of her life yearning for a love that he couldn't give.

All her life she wondered how Clark managed it. Being able to surround himself with humans, but seem like he never has to hold back. And than it dawn on her. He was raised here as an baby, she wasn't. He adjusted to Earth and it's yellow sun for the entirety of his life. She didn't. So in both being raised here, and living life as a normal person from the start. Being human became his 'normal' in a way, that it wouldn't be for her. And Kara envied him for that. He didn't have to wait years to stop feeling like an outcast, but she does. She has to put up caution signs every time she shook someones hand, gave a hug, or high fives.

But it wasn't always like that. A certain Daxamite allowed her to come undone, to take a breather whenever he was around. With him, her caution signs could be put to rest, and she missed that feeling of normalcy. She missed the feeling of not having to be on guard 24/7–she missed not having to put up caution signs.

But she found it profoundly weird, how her caution signs immediately disappeared as soon as she stepped into the atmosphere of her apartment. Instead of when they'd usually disappear when her head came in contact with her pillow signaling that a days work was finally done.

But than she looked up.

Right into his joyous and teary grey orbs.

He was standing there—kneeling actually— but she didn't notice. His face was her only focus. His was hair longer than she'd ever seen it, was neatly combed. Resting against the simple black long sleeved dress shirt he wore. His eyes were tired. Years of fighting a constant war had a lot to do with that, shedding never ending tears in private, and the endless nightmares, had a lot to do with that. But they were also bright. The sight of her, having been the only reason why.

He made it.

He made it home.

He made it back to her.

Kara didn't know when she moved but during one point, she ended up a centimeters away from him, kneeling on both knees like he now was.

Tears nearly overtook her as she reached for him. Her finger tips hand just come in contact with his bearded cheek, when an immense lump made an appearance in her throat. She examined him with her eyes, which were glossed with tears but she still took in anything her limited vision would allow. New tiny scars and marks presented themselves on his beautiful face. She brushed her thumb against them, and that alone made him shatter against her.

He too took a moment to examine her. And he immediately fell in love with the little changes he noticed. The way she dressed, was one of the first things he took note of. It showed a change—a growth, that if he hadn't known her at the beginning of her 'figuring it all out', he probably wouldn't have notice. But he did. After all wasn't he the person she was once most vulnerable with? He knew everything there was to know about her—surprising the both of them sometimes— so he can say for a fact, that the Kara he last laid his eyes on wouldn't walk so confidently in heels.

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