Unspoken truths

550 19 18

Kara's pov

"See I told you, you could do it!" Mon-El exclaims proudly his eyes glistening with excitement, as he moves both of his hands up offering me a double high five.

"I haven't felt this proud of myself in a long time!" I remark matching his upbeat tone, gladly accepting the high five. I just successfully made dinner with a 'little' help from Mon-El, and I can proudly say that I'm not that helpless after all! Well I did burn some things here and there, but dinner was great nonetheless.

"Do you wanna make dinner again tomorrow?" Mon-El asks as he moves to the kitchen to place our plates in the sink.

"Absolutely not." I state simply causing Mon-El head to quickly whip around from the sink, as if I just told him that I'm his sister. The confusion in his face definitely visible. I laugh a little at his expression. "After today I've learned that cooking a meal not only takes skill, but time—time in which I can be doing something that...intrigued me more." I remark shyly trying not to hurt his feelings by letting him down gently

"What? But you looked like you enjoyed it!" Mon-El exclaims, pouting dramatically, enlightening another laugh from me, as he makes his over to the dining area.

"I did!" I state quickly. "But unlike you I don't have this built in love for cooking" I add, making Mon-Els pout grow even bigger. "Aww babe, stop pouting you're making me feel bad" I mummer softly, as I begin a pout myself, moving my hand on top of his knee.

"Well for what it's worth, we could have been great partners in the kitchen," Mon-El states, the corners of his lips beginning to tip up again. "but I guess I'll just have to settle for being you partner in crime." Mon-El remarks smiling coyly.

"And partner in life." I add. Noticing the way his cheeks turned a faint shade of pink, as the words fell out my mouth. "Now come on. I'd like to spend my day off binging cheesy romcoms." I declare playfully, as I take Mon-Els hand and lead him to the couch.

"You and your rom coms" Mon-El mumbles, smiling softly as he shakes his head side to side, as we reach our destination.

"It's a healthy obsession!" I exclaim defensively, earning a chuckle from Mon-El.

"You think all your obsessions are healthy." Mon-El states, and I can't argue with that. So I simply lean  my back onto his chest and start the movie, letting him play with my hair.


"I can't believe that Macy chose Mason over Carter, he's a total douche bag!" Mon-El exclaims, as he moves under the covers of our bed—'our', I could really get used to saying that again—.

"Right?! Usually the girl almost always ends up with her childhood friend whom she had a long time crush on, not the new guy in town!" I banter, scooting next to him as he settles down.

"And they had absolutely no chemistry!" Mon-El declares scuffing, and I can't help but laugh about how passionate he is about this.

"Even when you first landed here you were always so passionate about the littlest things." I state smiling widely, at the expression my words caused.

"Little?! This isn't little Kara this is a horrible historic event—" His words are drowned out as a wave of laughter erupts from the depths of my throat. "I'm serious! I need a sequel where I get my endgame!" Mon-El exclaims, finally cracking as he lets out a laugh of his own. "I have an idea!" Mon-El states eyes lighting up like stars as he speaks. "You can march into that studio as Supergirl, and make them make a sequel so that I can collect my Macson endgame!" Oh god now he's just toying with me I think to myself as I continue laughing my heart out, at his ridiculous declaration. "I'm not joking! Everyone loves Supergirl! You can surely convince them to do that!" Mon-El adds, his voice sounding serious, but his eyes are shining with playfulness.

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