As if it were just the two of us

576 24 14

Kara's pov

Before I know it the suns come up, and the birds are chirping at full swing, but I haven't managed to sleep a wink...but it's fine, because after seven months you kinda get used to it, but what I'm not used to ––well not until recently–– is laying next to Mon-el. I'd gotten so used to the touch of a mere mortal, that I almost forgot what it felt like to feel physical touch––Sure I can be knocked down by another alien, but it isn't because their strength it's because of their power. Ever alien I've encountered besides my cousin of course lacked physical assets––but that was until Mon-el crash landed here on earth over a year ago.

The moment when I first reached my hand out to shake his, I was expecting to feel a very minuscule amount of pressure on my hand, but that's not what I felt...I felt a firm, steady hand wrap around my own, but I was too drawn into color of Mon-el's eyes at the time, to actually reciprocate it.

It wasn't until I came home from that excruciating day at work, that I finally broke down, at the feeling of his touch, and sure that wasn't the first time I felt it, was the first time that I actually accepted the fact that-...I could have it all, and not just the ability to actually feel physical contact, but to be ability to feel whole....for years I've been doubting if I could actually live a life as a hero, all while being happy, and it wasn't until that day-that shitty day, coming home from work, and immediately feeling Mon-els arms wrap around me, that I finally realized that I could–I could actually have the life that I've been pining long as he was in it...but of course, life isn't really that simple when you're a superhero.

I'm so lost in thought that I haven't even realized that Mon-el is awake until his hand moves to edge of my face to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" Mon-el ask, his voice sounding husky due to the fact that he just woke up. Now if this were any other person––besides Alex––I would have probably been able to make up a quick lie, but unfortunately for me this isn't any other person.

" I didn't" I say, as I move my head up too look at a disheveled, yet adorable Mon-el.

Mon-el only sighs before saying, "I shouldn't have sprung my feelings onto you like that..."

"You're always apologizing for things you shouldn't even be sorry about" I remark truthfully, it wasn't Mon-els declaration of feelings that kept me up all night, it was my own...I spent hours trying to understand how I feel about this...current predicament, and I've only managed to conclude that...that until Mon-el gets his memories back, I don't think that's it's best for us to just jump back into a relationship––is it even far of me to say 'jump back into a relationship' if one of us doesn't even remember the first one?––. "...come on we've got a wedding to prepare for" I say softly, as I quickly steal a glance at the clock, before moving to get out of bed. I already managed to sit up when I feel Mon-els hand wrap around mine, causing me to face him once again.

"Just five more minutes?" Mon-el ask sheepishly, as he moves his free hand up to his face to rub his eye.

After taking one last glance at the clock sitting on the bedside table, I hesitantly move my head back onto Mon-els chest, after slowly laying back down. "Just five more minutes" I reply, unable to hide the growing smile on my face.


"Wow, I think you might have sung it better than me" Barry exclaims, with a amazed expression.

As soon as Mon-el and I arrived at the church where Barry and Iris are getting married at, I am immediately hauled to the back of the church by Barry so that he could help me go over the song.

Every time. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz