Chapter 2

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Magnus was at Plainsville bar, sitting all alone. He ordered a Martini Dry with an umbrella inside it. He twirled the umbrella with his finger, anger on his face. "Alec should be more bloody careful, he knows that I love my smexy body glitter," he muttered angrily. "Hey mate, I think you've had enough to drink," said the bartender cautiously. "What did you just say?," Magnus said dangerously. "I said, I think you've had enough to DRINK!," said the bartender angrily. Magnus stood up, his turning from gold like cat eyes, to black. The bartender stared at his eyes, his whole entire body shaking with fear. "That's what I thought, your a weakling," said Magnus smirking. The people behind Magnus were giving them looks. Magnus grabbed a knife from his pocket, smiling at it. "I should've warned you from the beginning, I am a cold blooded killer, mind you," said Magnus slyly. With a quick, swift move Magnus threw the knife at the bartender, striking it at his heart. It went straight through his heart to the wall behind him, splattering blood every where. No one didn't even notice a thing.

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