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Jace leapt forward, grabbed his sword from his belt and chopped Alec's head off. Black blood came spitting out of Alec's neck and he then fell to the ground, dead. Isabelle let out a choked scream. "That's odd, the colour of Alec's blood is black," said Jace thoughtfully. "That means he was a demon!." "Oh my god!," said Clary in disgust. "I think he was a Ravenor demon," said Jace. "So all these years, he was an actual demon?," asked Simon. "He could take everything to Valentine!," Isabelle shrieked. "But he would re- spawn back to wherever he came from first," said Jace in reply. "What should we do?," Clary asked. "Do you think we should go to Pandemonium Club to see if he anything going on down there?," Simon asked. "No, we'll start at Magnus's apartment and check things there," said Isabelle in reply. "Let's get our gear then," said Jace hurriedly.

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