Chapter 4

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Alec sat in his room, lying on the top of his bed, tears streaming down his face. Great, he thought. My sister hates me, my parabatai hates me, Magnus hates me. I don't know what to do. "That's it. If no one wants me here, then their wish is going to be granted."There was a knife at his bedside table. He looked at it and grabbed it. He took one look more look at his reflection in the mirror and stabbed himself. He looked at the mirror and he saw blood spilling out everywhere. In the mirror, he watched himself die.

Isabelle heard a muffled cry coming from Alec's room. She walked towards his door and knocked. There was no sound. "Alec, it's me Isabelle, can we please sort this out?" No reply. "I'm coming in," she said. She opened the door and saw Alec dead, surrounded by a pool of blood. There was a knife laying in his hand. Isabelle screamed and ran over to him. "Alec, no don't do this to me, no!," she cried. She lay beside Alec, screaming and crying. "It's all my fault! If I wasn't so nasty to him, he would still be here!," she cried. She ran out of the room and called Jace.

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