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"Alec!," Jace yelled, opening the library door and slamming it closed behind him. "If you touch her one more time I swear to god!," he boomed. "She deserved it, she was getting on my nerves!," Alec yelled back. "Alec, this probably won't be aloud to be arranged, but I'm going to ask The Silent Brothers to disconnect our parabatai!," Jace bellowed. Alec stopped dead. "You... You what?," he stammered. "You heard you me, you did this before Alec and we gave you a second chance, but you bloody blew it!," Jace screeched. Alec was speechless. "And if you do this again, I'll ask The Silent Brothers to turn you mortal, and to put a block into your mind, so you won't remember us or this place at all," Jace snarled. Alec began to cry, he walked past Jace and went to his bedroom and locked his door.

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