Chapter 6

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Isabelle heard a knock at the institute door. "If it's Magnus again, he's going to be digging his own bloody grave!," she yelled. She opened the door. "I'm afraid he already has," Alec replied slyly. "A-Alec?," Isabelle said trembling. She leapt into his arms, crying her eyes out. "Guys, guys! Alec is alive!," Isabelle shouted. Everyone ran into the entrance hall. Everybody stared at Alec. Jace rushed over. "Alec! How the bloody hell are you still alive? You committed suicide!," said Jace in disbelief. Alec shoved Isabelle off him. "Well you see, you guys were pissing me off, so I thought, nobody wants me here anymore, but I didn't want to die. So I faked my death, and ran off thinking I had freedom. But there was still one problem in the way, that one problem was Magnus. I went into his apartment, I found him sitting in his armchair crying since he found out I 'died'. Then I said hello Magnus then he spun around and saw me standing there. He leapt into my arms but as he was doing so, I stabbed him. I watched him die. I then left and loitered around the streets thinking we're I would go to next but then I had a thought. I thought I would come here and give you all a twisted and emotional surprise and well, here I am," he finished. Everybody stared at him in horror. "How could you?" Isabelle sobbed. "You get out of here right now!," Jace yelled. "Oh, but I haven't finished quite yet," said Alec evilly. "What would you say if I told you I was going to join Valentine?," he asked. "I would kill you right here right now!," Jace shouted.

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