Last Friday Night

Start from the beginning

Sadly, the topic of his wife disappeared once the pizza had arrived.

"You just heard most of my life. Now your turn." He said, paying for the pizza and bringing it to his desk. You happily took a slice and thought of what could be told. "Well, I was raised in Texas but we moved to Florida. My mom was a doctor, retired now. My dad wasn't really a dad. He was just someone there who didn't want to be. I grew up for the rest of my teenage years before going to college, becoming a teacher and ending up here. No interesting serial killer stories here." You chuckled before eating a bite of your pizza. He followed your chuckle with a laugh. The laugh that gave you butterflies.

Aaron was perfect. He was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. He had the cutest dimples. He listened to you and actually comprehended the words that came out of your mouth. It was nice. Haley was lucky. As you were finishing your second piece, the bell rang. Lunch was over. "Thank you, Aaron. This lunch was splendid." You laughed at your word choice, and he just shook his head with a smile. "I'll see you around, y/f/n." And with that, you left and walked to your room where you encountered Emily.

"So you and Hotchner?" She winked and nudged your arm. "Hotchner is married with a kid." You dramatically winked back and nudged her arm. She had a mischievous smile on her lips as you said that. "Not for long. He and Haley are getting in a D-I-V-O-R-C-E." She spelt out, which caused you to laugh. "You could have just said divorce, Emily." You said with a smile as you cleaned up your desk, your next class starting to pile in. "That wouldn't have been near as fun, would it have been?" You rolled your eyes, but your heart did a little backflip. You knew you shouldn't be getting excited about a grown man's divorce, but it was Aaron and that meant that maybe, you did have a chance after all.


The final bell rang and you dismissed your class. The first week of school was only a two day week. Thursday then Friday, then the weekend. Now it was the time for the weekend. Did you have plans? Of course not, but you were hoping that Aaron was approaching you to change that.

"Your first week is done!" Aaron said with a high-five, which you returned with a small laugh. "It was two days, so it wasn't even half a real school week," you said as you gathered your bag and belongings.  "y/f/n!" You heard yelled from across the closet. Emily. Of course. "Yes?" You shouted back. "A few of the teachers are going out tonight, if you want to join!" You laughed and just shook your head. "I'll see what plans I have!" Aaron looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "You actually have plans tonight?" He questioned, a small hint sadness in his voice. "Of course not. I'm going. It's either go with them or stay home with Charles and watch movies." You said, shutting off your lights and walking out of your class with Aaron and Emily. They both looked at one another like they were wondering who Charles was. "My cat. No boyfriend or husband at home. Just me." You said, but immediately regretted it. It sounded so weird. You watched Hotch release the tenseness of his body as you explained Charles was your cat. "I'll see you tonight, weirdo." He chuckled and messed up your hair as he walked to his black SUV. "Well that wasn't flirtatious at all. He is totally into you!" Emily said. You rolled your eyes and shushed her. "He is in the midst of a divorce and has a kid with Haley. We're just friends." You said fixing your hair, but in reality, you wanted her to be right.

You both said your goodbyes and that you'd see each other tonight. When you got home you excitedly planned your outfit, knowing Aaron would be there. A black dress that hugged your body in all the right places. Black heels that made your calves and ass pop. Your hair curled so you looked like you were putting in effort. A light layer of makeup so your bags from the past few nights would go away. Now, you were ready. You decided to take the subway and the short walk to Hank's Cocktail Bar, looking much hotter than you have in awhile.

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