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Authors note: I am sorry to say that this is my last chapter of this story. Like I said before, I don't want to drag out the story, and I'm running out of ideas. This chapter is also shorter because it's the epilogue but hope you enjoy it. I will be starting a Brettsey One-Shot story though, so go check that out because the first chapter is out!

10 years later:

General POV:

Wow! Does time ever fly by. Casey and Brett have had a long journey these past 10 years, keeping up with their kids and their jobs, but they wouldn't trade it for the world.

Amelia, who is now 14, is following in her mothers footsteps. Even though she is still young she knows what she wants to do, and nothing is going to stop that girl.

The twins, Jax and Aria, on the other hand are following in their fathers footsteps. They are also really young, but Matt can see the glimmer in their eyes that he used to have, and still has to this day.

They have had a few close calls, even one ending up with Matt in the hospital with emergency surgery, but that only brought them closer.

Every day, they remind each other how much they love each other, because they never know if it's the last.

The kids love to hang around the firehouse, it's their second home with all of their aunts and uncles. With the three of them running around, it can be a lot of work, but Matt and Sylvie love it and wouldn't trade it for the world. Even though they do miss, when they were able to have peace and quiet, but they have some time to their selves on shift.

One day, Stella and Kelly picked up the kids, so Matt and Sylvie could have some alone time.

"Thanks again guys, for watching them" Sylvie told Stella and Kelly.

"No problem. We love hanging out with these guys!" Stella cheered as they walked out of the apartment.

"Don't spoil them!" Matt called out.

"You know we will!" Kelly called back as they walked down the hallway.

Once they see the car pull away, they both share a sign of relief. They love those kids to death, but they are exhausting.

Matt immediately pulls Sylvie in, with an arm around her waist. He picks her up bridal style and carries her to the couch.

He sets her in his lap, with her head barried into his chest. He strokes her hair, before kissing the top of her head gently.

"You know they're going to spoil them to no end right?" Sylvie asks.

"Wouldn't expect anything otherwise" Matt chuckles. Then he grabs the tv remote and asks,

"What do you want to watch?"

"HGTV!" Sylvie exclaims. "But before that I have other plans" She says with a devilish grin.

He returns the smile and once again picks her up, but this time carries her to the bedroom.

A few hours later they are back on the couch, in their pajamas eating takeout, of course it's Chinese food. They turn on HGTV, and it turns out the Property Brothers are on. Sylvie bounces with excitement, while Matt just admires her. How did I get so lucky? He asks himself.

The next morning, they wake up to the sound of their kids. They are tangled in each others arms on the couch when they hear the door unlock. They reluctantly get up and greet their kids.

They notice the bags in their kids hands, and glare at Kelly and Stella.

"Didn't we say to not spoil them?" Sylvie asks.

"You really think we were going to listen to the two of you?" Stella shoots back with a smile.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look what we got!!!" The twins yell.

Matt and Sylvie quickly thank Stella and Kelly for watching them, and lead them out the door before they kill them for what's in the bags.

They push all three kids over to the couch so the kids can show them what they got. All three of them pull out assortments of all different types of candy. Candy bars, sour candy, and any other kind you could imagine.

Matt and Sylvie share a look, it's between happy and, oh dear god these kids are going to be on a sugar rush.

They all sit together on the couch and watch a movie. Matt gets sucked into ordering a pizza for dinner, with bread on the side. As the hours pass, each kid keeps falling asleep.

Matt carries Amelia first even though she's 14, she doesn't weigh a lot, and she looked really peaceful. Then Sylvie takes Aria, and Matt comes back for Jax. Once all the kids are in bed, and they said there I love you's, they also head to bed.

Matt pulls Sylvie into his arms and she puts her head into the crook of his neck.

"I love you Sylvie Brett" he whispers.

"I love you too" She whispers, "Captain"

Years and years go by, but the Casey family can't get any closer. They have rough patches, dealing with teenager stuff and close calls but they all have each other to get through it. The people you love, help you through the most. And that's exactly what Sylvie and Matt did, and they couldn't love each other more, or be happier with the family they created.

The End

Authors note: I hope you guys enjoyed this story, and thank you so much for all of the support! If you liked this series and Brettsey, go check out my Brettsey one shots, the first chapter is up! And once again, thank you for all of the support!

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