The Fire

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Authors note: Hope you enjoy this chapter!

General POV:

They pull up to the little house, it's completely in flames. Everyone gets out of there rigs and hears the orders from Boden.

Severide and Kidd immediately look at the building and recognize it. That's all it took for them to run in. Squad took the bottom floor while truck took the top. Sylvie's trying to hold it together but she can't. Her eyes start watering, and it all comes out. The chief and Foster comfort her while they wait eagerly.

"We got someone!" Severide yelled through the radio. It was Amelia's care taker. Brett and Foster see Severide carry her out.

"We need to intubate!" Foster yells.

"Got it" Sylvie says trying to pull it together.

She's going to be okay, and a different ambo drove her to med. Still no word about Amelia. Engines getting the fire under control, while squad and truck are still eagerly searching.

Matt's POV:

I can't lose her. I can't lose her. I can't lose her. That's the only thought going through my head. I can't lose her, I love that little girl to no end. She means the world to me. Her and Sylvie are mine and I can't lose one of them.

General POV:

His thoughts are broken by a faint cry. He immediately turned around to see the little angel. He scooped her up in his arms and held her close. So close he could hear her heart beat fading.

"I got her!" Yelled Matt

Sylvie saw him running out of the building with Amelia in his arms. She let out a sign of relief. They needed to get her to med.

"I'll ride with you" Matt says as they get in. Sylvie's never been so thankful for Fosters driving skills. They get her into med and she goes into surgery since her lungs got filled with smoke.

Matt sat down with Sylvie right next to him. He pulled her in his arms and held her tight. He kissed her forehead and said,

"It's gonna be okay"

The rest of the house showed up at the hospital. All eagerly waiting. A few hours later Sylvie's asleep in Matt's arm with her head resting on his chest. Matt can't sleep, he needs to know Amelia's okay. He sees the doctor walking out and gently wakes Sylvie up.

"How is she?" Matt asks

"She's going to be fine. A few minor issues but she should be released tomorrow. You can come see her."

Sylvie grabbed Matt's hand and walked into the room with her. They saw her laying in a little bed hooked up to different wires. They saw her open her eyes and both immediately smiled. That little girl was there pride and joy. A little while later visiting hours are over and Matt drives Sylvie homes.

"Will you stay with me?" Sylvie asks

"Didn't plan on leaving" He replied

The next day fell on there day off so Matt and Sylvie went to spend the day with Amelia in the hospital. Time flew by, and it was time to take her back home.

They arrived at Sylvie's apartment and got Amelia settled. Matt fed her while Sylvie got her crib ready. Matt kissed Amelia on her forehead and out her down. They both watched her fall asleep and quietly exited the room.

Sylvie went to go make coffee when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Matt lifts her up and walks to the bedroom. He throws her down in the bed and starts to tickle her.

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