I'm Sorry

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Authors POV: I was so excited to right this chapter. All your guy's feedback is amazing, thank you so much. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

General POV:

This can't be good she thought. She walked into the office and shut the door.

"I don't know what's been going on here but these childish acts need to stop." Chief Downs said.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again."

Meanwhile Matt was looking for Sylvie, he didn't like fighting with her.

Sylvie stays in the chiefs office for another minute before he stood up. He walked over to her and touched her, not in a comforting you. He grabbed her in inappropriate places.

"What are you doing?" She said before backing away from him.

He smiled. "I'm gonna give you what you deserve. One of these days. I'll give you what the captain can't. Oh and if you try to report it, good luck. A paramedic verse a chief, I wonder who would win. You may go know."

Sylvie ran out of the room crying. She ran down the hallways when she bumped into someone, it was Matt. She tried to keep going but he stopped her. He grabbed her and lead her to his quarters.

"Sylvie, I'm sorry about earlier. She jus-"

"I know it wasn't your fault. We're fine Matt." She says quickly.

"Then what's wrong Sylvie?"

She starts balling again. He pulls her closer.

"You can tell me anything." He says.

"The chief touched me. Inappropriately. He said he would teach me a lesson. And he said if I reported him, I would lose since I'm just a paramedic."

Matt had anger in his eyes. He wanted to punch the daylights out of him. No better yet kill him. He starts to stand up but Sylvie pulls him back.

"Please don't leave me."

"I won't. Ever."

"And don't do anything stupid. I need you here with me."

He pulled her in closer and then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, Sylvie are you okay?" It's Stella and Severide.

They decide it's best to tell them in case Matt isn't there. Severide and Matt are planning his funeral while Kidd holds Sylvie tight.

Then the sirens go off. Matt watched Brett get in her rig before getting in the truck. He wasn't letting him do anything to her. No matter what. Foster knows something's off, so she asks her about it. Sylvie tells her everything.

They pull up to the scene and it's a house fire. Luckily everyone made it already so all they had to do was put the fire out.

Matt sees the chief stare at Sylvie. He wants to go and put him in a body bag, but he has to be there for Sylvie. Severide noticed too and Matt has to hold him back. Luckily the chief didn't notice.

They get back to the house and the chief wants everyone in the meeting room. Sylvie stands in between Matt and Severide. They're both body shielding her from him. And honestly she doesn't mind, she's scared. Matt notices and grabs her hand, he doesn't care what the chief has to say, he's gonna be there for her. Especially since he's the one causing her pain.

"So I see some people aren't respecting the rules around her."

Matt sighs and the chief notices. "Something you would like to add captain?" The chief asks.

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