Chapter eleven

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"The more you will overthink, the less you will understand."

I don't think my head has ever hurt this bad. I peel my eyes open and look around confused. Recognition fills my brain as I notice I am in Dante's room. Why does my head hurt so much? Jemila is the first thing to come to my mind. I remember vaguely that she got me drunk and that we became sort of friends, but that doesn't explain my headache.

"So, my principessa finally decided to wake up huh?", Dante's rumbling voice sounds left from me. I spin to the side, clutching my head. "Why does it hurt so much?", I whine. Dante just looks at me bemused. "That's what alcohol does with you tesoro. I guess you have never gotten drunk before?", he frowns. I shake my head no. "Do you remember anything?", he asks with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, there was this kind woman. Jemila I think", I speak softly. Then it rushes back to me, how strange Dante and Luca acted in the car. "How do you guys know her?", curiosity clear in my voice.

Dante sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair. "That's none of your concern. She will get her punishment for getting you drunk", he snarls. A pout forms on my lips. I never should have told her name. Now she will be angry with me and my only friend will be gone. "What is it princess?", he sighs. "She was nice, I don't want you to scare her away. Now she will be mad at me for telling on her", a feeling of guilt rushes through me. Dante pulls me on his lap so that I lay between his legs. "Tesoro, I don't think there is anyone on this planet that can be mad at you. Besides, I will just punish her even more if she gets angry towards you", he says. My eyes widen, "d-don't do that! People have the right to be angry if you did something wrong". Dante just chuckles, "hm, but not if it is directed at you baby".

"Now, drink the water I got for you and swallow the pills", Dante says while handing me a glass. I take the glass but scrunch my nose up at the pills he is holding. "I am not taking them. I don't like pills", I complain. The dark-haired man behind me pinches my thigh as I say it. "You will take them. Be glad I am even giving them to you, I could have just let you suffer an immense headache as a punishment for last night", the dominance is clearly noticeable in his voice. I gulp, "o-okay". Not daring to go against him, I take a big gulp of water and throw the pill into my mouth. I swallow while cringing from the bad taste it has. "Good tesoro, one more", he hands me the other one. I repeat my previous action and swallow the pill. "Brava ragazza", he speaks in Italian while he ruffles my hair.

"What does that mean?", I ask. Don't get me wrong, I really like it when he speaks Italian, but it sucks that I cannot understand a single thing he says. Dante releases a deep chuckle, "good girl". I nod my head in understanding. "Can you teach me Italian some time?", I ask hopefully. "No", he quickly replies. "Why not?", I pout. Dante bites back a smile, "because I don't need you to understand everything that is said in this house". I furrow my eyebrows, "why not?". "Because there are a few things that you do not need to worry about principessa", he replies sternly. His answer is very vague, I think. "But why can I not worry about things?", I push. Dante just rolls his eyes now, "because. Now, I do not have to explain myself to you tesoro". Now I am frowning. I can perfectly make my own decisions on things I can or cannot worry about.

"Don't frown principessa. You look much prettier when you have that beautiful smile on your face", he winks. I open my mouth to complain, but he is quick to hold his finger to my lips. "Hush now, I do not feel like repeating myself today. Let's go downstairs to get us some food, okay?", he asks. Not quite content with how he treats me like a child, I just nod my head and pout. He shuffles a bit so that I am not on his lap anymore and gets out of the bed. "Come", he stretches his hand out for me to take. I grab his hand and get out of bed.

However, my eyes widen at my clothing. There is nothing more on my body than a black shirt, which I guess is from Dante. "Eh, Dante? Did you-" "-change you? Yes tesoro. I did", he cuts me off while studying me. My cheeks flame up. Did he see my body? I pat the side of my breast, thankful to feel my bra still on. "Don't worry, I promise you that my gaze never lingered on your body. I would never do that without your consent and conscious", he smiles softly. "O-Oh, okay", I nod. I am actually extremely glad that he did not look at my body, that is something I would feel uncomfortable with. "Let's get some food now, I am sure you are hungry", he extents his hand one more time.

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