Chapter nineteen

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I'm back! Sorry it took so long!😳

Not my finest chapter, but it's building towards something. Enjoy!🤩

These past few days have been spent lonely and quiet in their insanely big house. Ever since Damiano and Callister found out who the boyfriend was that I was talking about, they forbid me from going outside. I'm cognizant of the fact that they're only doing it out of safety measures but it's getting rather dull to live this way.

I already called City of Saints to cancel my shifts for the week and although Tisha sounded weirdly relieved by it, I can't help but feel sad. It is the first time I would do something big on my own and now it's ruined. All because these stupid criminals can't be mature enough to get along.

Currently, I'm sitting in Callister's office. This is the first I see them in like two days and it doesn't calm my nerves. The frown on their faces tell me there's nothing good about us sitting here. Callister sits behind his big oak desk with Damiano sitting in the chair next to me; just like the first time we sat here. Let's just hope this time things go better and most important: less awkward.

"As you know, we can't just house you here. There will be way too much bloodshed," Callister begins. I nod my head understandingly. There shouldn't be anyone hurt because of this. That would be utmost ridiculous. "But what should we do then?" I ask.

My eyes wander over to the right, finding Damiano's already watching me. A look of pity mixed with sadness flows around in them, making me eve more anxious for what's about to come. I'm not stupid, I know what's going to come.

They're going to dump me on the streets and never look back. It's just not what I hoped for. After spending this much time at their house, I actually am less anxious and feel comforted by their presence.

"You are going to call him in a few minutes and explain the situation to him, then I will take over and handle the rest." Damiano surprises me, but something in his eyes makes me frown. "You're not telling me everything, are you?" The two of them share a look.

"Amara..." Callister pauses and looks in thought. Okay, if even the 'big bad mafioso' needs to think this through, it must be bad. "Things are going to go bad no matter what we do. This is just the way where, hopefully, the least is going to happen." "But," I shift my head back to Damiano who cuts in, "we need you to hide in the basement just to be sure."

Confusion fills me as I listen. Why would I be in the basement? It's not like Dante comes here and shoots us at first sight. I shake my head at the thought. No, he's not that cruel. "I don't think that's necessary. If I just explain thing to him, he will listen. Right?" I stammer out.

Damiano sends me a soft smile and gestures to Callister. I really don't think it's for the best if I stay downstairs. If anything, I'm the only one who can de-escalate this whole misunderstanding.

"Look, Amara. I know it's hard to understand and take all this in, but Dante is different then he apparently was to you. He can kill, he will kill and he needs to kill when he doesn't get what he wants."

My brain hurts from all the information that is thrown at me. Dante was so sweet— until the party that is. I know that he did bad things, but I thought it was just to fight the bad guys away. Plus, he clearly doesn't want me so why would he go through all this trouble.

"I don't think he cares that much about me," I whisper and look down. He has a girlfriend— one that is much prettier than me.

A hand touches my knee and rubs soothing circles around it. "Look at me, darling." I shake my head and try my best to blink the unshed tears away. "Amara, look at me," Damiano demands again. Slowly, I flutter my eyes up at him, looking with blurry sight at the mafioso. "Tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, huh?" He softly smiles.

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