Chapter 5

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Song for the chapter : Make Me Like You by Gwen Stefani

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Song for the chapter : Make Me Like You by Gwen Stefani

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If few hours ago, when he was on his way to find his grandma and brother, and someone had told him that he'll be traveling with the girl he met a month ago, the girl who has been a source of calm for him after a nightmarish night, with a yapping little fur ball, who is nipping at his ear; smelling of pup piss, he would have laughed at the person and probably had kicked their ass.

But here he was. He didn't even thought that he would ever meet her again. 

He tried to hold the puffball in his lap who was eating away the lapels of his shirt, but he again started climb on his chest. He looked at the woman beside him who was babbling away random things while blasting music. She is incredibly gorgeous, her long brown tress of hair flying on her face because of the wind and he had to literally stop himself from removing those luscious locks from her face. 

Well it's a good thing his hands were busy holding this little pup.

"...His both legs were broken, that's why he couldn't deliver. But it's a good thing I came, nahi toh aap wahi khade rehteh kitni der" She continued on her babble as she told why she had to come all the way from Middlehem to Doncaster, as they are the only suppliers who gave free animal food delivery only to shelters.

"Well thank you for the lift" he said while discreetly staring at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Koi chakar nahi, waisay; You don't look like you live in Middlehem" She observed as he does not looks like a guy who would belongs in a small town like Middlehem. "No, I'm from London" he answered not saying anything further.

"Awww kitna cute hai Dubboo" She gushed at the little puffball who was trying to climb on Sidharth's shoulder "I think he likes you" she said when she him trying to lick Sidharth's chin.

"Dubboo? What kind of name is this?" He asked making a face. 

Suddenly she parks the pickup at the side of a church and got out. "Why are we stopping here?" Sidharth asked while he too got out of the pick up. Shehnaaz took out two huge white boxes one by one among various brown boxes. on one box it was written "TOYS AND BOOKS" while on the other it was written "CLOTHS". Sidharth looked at her confused.

"It will just take few minutes I have to deliver these things here" She said and was going to pick a box when Sidharth stopped her. "Wait!! let me grab it, you hold him" Sidharth said gave Dubboo to him and grabbed both boxes in his hands and signaled her to lead the way. She smiles at him grateful while ignoring the flutter she feels in her stomach, looking at the handsome man who carried two boxes without breaking any sweat.

They walked around the church and Sidharth saw that there is a huge house behind the it. The house was big in width and had two storeys with lots of identical windows on both floor. There was huge board beside the front Iron gate saying "St. Mary Foster Home".

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