Chapter 19

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Songs for the chapter : Right here by Kj Apa

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Songs for the chapter : Right here by Kj Apa.

Olivia by One Direction.

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She wasn't sure if she would ever truly get used to the silence.

No, that wasn't true. Her house wasn't truly silent; not when you had a babbling eight-years-old who had just recently made a mission to never leave her alone, he’s just looking out for her, then there is her sister-in-law, who keeps on distracting her from thinking about him, they are worried.

And Arjun, he feels guilty, he thinks it’s his fault, if he hadn’t agreed to them coming here, this wouldn’t have happened.

Then she wouldn’t have met him she thought.

She shudders at the thought, as much as it hurts she doesn’t regret meeting him, she will always cherish the memories they made, they help her forgot about those hellish eight years.

Then there were all her pets, Snow(baby goat), and tushie (porcupine), and the birds twittering outside her window, Sometimes she would pretend to have a conversation with them; imagine the answers they would give, respond in kind, and direct her actions as they were able to give her detailed instructions. She wondered if they thought she was quite the strangest Woman in the entirety of Wizarding Britain. She snorted out loud at that; she probably was. She'd had no shortage of strangeness in her life.

There was a time when her mother left her, and she was running behind her, begging her not to leave her. But Shehnaaz had fought her demons, she has worked hard to make herself strong, and she wasn't going to let anything or anyone to push her back to that place.

So this time when Sidharth left her crying and frozen, saying "I need time" she didn't stop him, she did not run behind him to beg, not to leave her. For a minute she thought he was running away from her, but when she thought about the pain he saw in his eyes, and the guilt, she understood that he was stuck between his past and heart. And that is something he himself have to unstuck himself from.

He said he needs time, how much time? She did not know and if she be honest she doesn't want to know. She waited for her mother to come for eight years, she wasn't ready to wait for someone else, someone who can if given a chance can become her everything.

For a week, after they left she moped around the house like a heartbroken teenager, but then she pulled herself up and got ready for a new day. She wasn't going to lie it still hurts, and she still silently cry some nights, but it was bearable and there is nothing that a warm bubble bath with a bottle of wine and cookies can't fix, it's not like the world was ending or something.

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