Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

I fear not the dark itself, but what may lurk within it.
- Unknown

I don't even wait a second to watch Jacob's body drop before I'm sprinting towards the windows. The windows were behind his desk, so I jumped over it, letting the boys go around the desk. 

I point my gun towards the windows and shoot.

The glass instantly shatters and falls to the ground. I hear Jacobs' body fall as I watch the boys jump through the window. I manage to jump through it too just as the bomb explodes. Just like I planned, the shockwave sends us hurtling towards the trees. I hear glass shatter and the windows to the mansion burst from the shockwave that went through it.

We all fall towards a big tree.

I feel the leaves and branches scrap against my skin and clothes. Looking down, I wait for a tree branch to stick out so I can grab it. This is going to hurt, I thought as I saw one coming up fast. I let out a gasp of pain when I latch onto the tree branch. I feel my shoulder start to ache and scream at me, telling me I either dislocated it or hyperextended it. Pushing the pain away, I slowly pull myself up and onto the tree branch.

Gathering my breath, I look around to see if I see any of the boys. I see Lee a little ways beside me on my right, Jay and Ace above me, and Zack down below me. "You guys alright?" I ask, still breathing hard.

"Yeah, just hang on for a second. I need to catch my breath." Zack gasps out, breathing hard like me. I see the boys nod their heads with what Zack said. I nod at them and try to move my arm. I hiss in pain. "Next time, Bella, please warn us about your crazy plan before you go through with it. I mean it was fun, flying threw the air and all, but I don't think gravity likes me too much." I hear Ace say, not breathing as hard as he was earlier.

"Yeah, I'll do that." I say, leaning back against the tree, making sure I don't put too much pressure on my injured arm.

A few minutes goes by and I finally have my breathing under control. "Is everybody able to walk?" I ask, slowly standing up on the tree branch. I hear some yeah's and rustling around me. "Ok, let's get down from this tree." I tell them, slowly moving down the tree. 

The ground wasn't too far from where I landed. Maybe a couple of yards. Getting down on the ground, I look at myself for any other injuries before we start moving. I have a few deep cuts and scratches, but nothing too bad like my shoulder. My shirt is torn in a few places, showing a bit of my upper back tattoo. I look at the guys, making sure none of them is seriously injured. "Anything injured?" I ask them again, making sure everyone is ok.

"Nothing injured with us, but I'm pretty sure your shoulder is dislocated." I hear Zack say. I nod my head at him. "Yeah, I think it is too." I say to him. "Lie down on the ground. I can pop it back in place." I hear Lee say. I nod and lie down on the ground. He takes a hold of my injured arm, and lifts it a little. "Alright, this is going to hurt a little. I want you to count to 10." He tells me. 

Nodding to him, I look away and start to count. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5- AHH" I let out a little scream as I heard a pop and my shoulder being over my head. "Damn, I knew that popping your shoulder back in place hurt, but I didn't know it hurt that much." I say, lying there for a second moving my arm around before, slowly, getting up off the ground.

Wiping the dirt and leaves away, I feel them all stare at my back. Turning around I look at them. "I didn't know you had a tattoo." I hear Zack say. I look at Ace, and they follow my gaze. "Hey, I knew about it, but I've never seen it and it is different than the one she told me. It really is a beautiful piece of art though." Ace says, smiling at me in a caring way.

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