Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

My words are my bullets.
- John Lydon

I grab ahold of my weapon while looking around the room at Jacob's men. I feel the boys shift behind me, making a circle with me.

I don't say anything to Jacob's question. After scanning the room I look at him. He has his gun pointing at the floor, looking at me with a smile. "What will it be, my queen? Your friends life's, or your own?" He asked me again. I only smile at him.

"You know me. I don't ever turn down a good fight, I mean look at how I escaped from you almost a year ago." I send a smirk of my own, while his falters.

He quickly covers it up with a smirk.

I turn my attention to his men surrounding us, waiting for them to make the first move. They had the same idea and also waited for us to start the fight.

I can wait here all day, they ain't ever going to break me, I thought as I wait. I feel the guys relax into what is about to happen.

The seconds go by and turn into minutes, until I see one person break. He charges at me, screaming out a war cry. Damn, he doesn't know what inside voice is and how much it can protect my precious ears from his banshee screams. I draw my sword and quickly slice the first person I see, which thankfully happened to be Mr. Banshee. The boys follow in suit after that.

Gun shots can be heard, clanks of swords clashing together, and the sound of skin-to-skin contact can also be heard. The walls drip with blood, the floors become slippery, and the furniture is now destroyed, but all I think about is the men in front of me.

I watch as Zack punches a guy next to me and Jay and Lee shoot some people standing near Ace. Ace is using a dagger to sneak up on the men and stab them.

Slowly, the fighting comes to a stop and Jacob's men are now lying, lifeless, on the floor full of blood. I see a few cuts and bruises on myself, but I easily shake it off. Ace has a busted lip and a bruise from on his jaw from what I can see. Zack has a busted lip too, just with a lot more bruises on his face. Jay and Lee both have some gashes on them, but it didn't look life-threatening. They also have some bruising and Lee has a light cut on his cheek bone. They look at me, breathing a little hard, and nod at me.

I turn my attention back to Jacob as he starts to slowly clap at us. I feel the rest of the boys' gazes turn towards him too.

Putting my sword back in the sheath on my back, I grab ahold of my gun on my thigh and aim it at him. The boys gather behind me as my face turns into a cold one. I take the gun off safety and continue my stare down with Jacob. He laughs at me.

This fucking bitch has the nerve to laugh at me while I'm pointing a fucking gun at his head. He must have some type of painful death wish, I thought as I continue to school my face through his outburst. He shakes his head as his laughter dies down a bit.

"You know I have already planned for this. I knew you were only coming back to kill me, so I made some arrangements." He says, placing his gun on the desk and takes off his shirt. I feel the boys slightly tense at this motion, but I held my ground.

After taking his shirt off, he throws it to the ground. "You see this scar right here?" He points to a scar that is over his heart. "This was from a procedure I had done before you got here." He chuckles for a second before continuing on.

"You see, for you, it might not seem like anything, but for me it's my trump card. I have this whole mansion covered in bombs. The catch is that they don't have a timer and are not activated by someone ringing a phone. No, I thought long and hard about this. I made a device that could be planted into a person, and if that person is killed or their heart stops beating, then, well you know the rest. Boom." He does the hand motions and chuckles. "I made it to where it will instantly blow as soon as the heart stops. No matter who shot me, they wouldn't be able to get out of this house alive. It's my insurance plan. And as long as one of my inner circle members survives, then my gang can keep on living." He smirked evilly at me.

"Only one of these were made, and you're looking at where it was placed. So tell me, my queen. What are you going to do now that you have this information?" He leans back on his desk and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

I scowl at him. "You know this isn't going to stop me from killing you. I have never been afraid of death, and I will gladly accept it when the time comes for me to die." I tell him, tightening my hold on the gun.

"I know that, but what about your little gang behind you. I'm sure that if I die then I will take out their mafia as well." He smirks proudly, looking at Ace.

"Ace, Zack, Lee, Jay, I want y'all to leave this place. Get as far away from this place as possible." I tell them bluntly.

I feel their stares on me when I tell them to do this. "No." I hear them answer simultaneously. I tense, trying not to show any emotion to Jacob, as I continue to point my gun at him. "Leave. I don't want more people to die. I don't want them to die because they got to know me. I don't want my loved ones to die. Y'all have become like family to me, and I'll be damned if I'll let another member in my family die from this sick, ugly bastard." I tell them, almost screaming at them to leave.

"We aren't leaving you. We are honored that we have become family to you, and the truth is, you have become like family to us too. That is why I am not leaving you here to die in this place with no way to escape. I'd rather die with you than having fled and run away from this moment." Zack says while I feel the others nod their heads behind me. I chuckle lightly.

"You know Zack, that is probably the most intelligent thing I've heard you say the entire time I've known you." I tell him while the guys laugh behind me. "Don't worry, Bella. It won't be your last time hearing his intelligent side. Now, are you going to let us stay?" Ace asks, I can hear his determination behind his question, knowing he won't give up on this.

"Alright, but I'm not planning to die here, so I want y'all to follow my lead and do exactly what I tell you to do. If you don't, I don't think you'll be able to survive." I tell them, not giving away my plan to Jacob, who is watching us intently with a smirk on his face.

I hear silence, meaning they agree to what I said. 

Giving Jacob my undivided attention, I hold the gun higher up. "Are you guys are done with saying goodbyes to each other? I would like to get in on that too. My queen, you know I love you and will always be with you. I'll watch over you and make sure no one touches what's mine. This is a goodbye to you and that drop dead gorgeous looking body you have." He smirks as he finishes his speech.

"If you're done with this trash talk you're talking about, I'd like to get on with what I've been waiting for years to do." I tell him coldly, walking towards him, settling the gun at his head. I feel the guys move in behind me.

Jacob smirks, challenging me to pull the trigger. "I hope my good friend Satan treats you in the worst possible ways. I'm sure he'll be glad to see you." I tell him, as he laughs. "I just hope you'll be with me in whatever hell I get sent too." I hear him respond, smiling evilly at me. "Yeah, that's not going to happen anytime soon." I tell him, I watch his face distort into confusion before I pull the trigger.

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