To Be Continued...

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Edited* ( a sense)

When does yogurt know when to stop being milk ?

It's only been a couple weeks since...well ya know. 

I haven't been ignoring him, just keeping my distance a bit. 

To be honest it looks like they've been doing the same.

In the halls, I would find him making out with a girl, except he doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much. It's as if he feels like he's obligated. 

I still talk to Anthony though. Every now and then he'll bring up Max or how she's doing.

The weird part is Max looks like she gives no absolute fücks.

It's ridiculous, but I refuse to be a messenger.

It's Thursday and lunch time is finally here. 

Someone should create a gas leak one of these days.

Maybe it should be.

Max and I were here eating the hell out of these meatball subs but We're immediately interrupted as we see two shadows coming up behind us.

Then I see him. 

Jaxon and Anthony sitting right down beside us with a look of worry on their faces.  Max drops her bîtch face slightly shooting me a confused look.

Jaxon takes one deep breath and looks at me and I can't help but to bring my guard down a bit.

" This is your fault. You let this happen". 

What the hell is he talking about...

Ant turns to Max, shaking his head with disappointment.

"Can someone just tell us what's going on? Jax would you like to do the honors ?!?"  Max damn near shouted, getting anxious .

Jax gives off a long hard pause before he blurts out what I never would have saw coming.

"I'm pregnant" he blurted holding back a laugh.

A smile comes across my face.

"Yeah! Contraceptives aren't always effective, ask Rachel and AS FOR YOU." Anthony says jolting back to Max.

"Baby, I don't know heeeeer" he whines, softening his eyes, placing apologetic kisses to her exposed shoulders, working his way up to her neck.

Her face remains void of emotion, but slightly leaning into his touch.

Can I eat ?

"She took a picture IN your room WITH your jersey on.  You could literally tell she had nothing else under it and you want to look me in the eye and tell me you don't know her?" Max said trying to hide the sound of her voice cracking.

Let me get you caught up to speed.

So basically last week, somebody had showed Max pictures of a girl in Ants room I suppose after they had sex.  Then another picture of her in his bed next to him while he was asleep. The pictures were unappealing, no offense to Ant but the girl was obviously trying too hard and i for one wasn't  happy to see trails of hickeys on him with scratch marks.

At the end of the day Max is still my sis and this seemed to really hurt her.

I don't know what's going on between them, whether they have actual feelings or just private hook ups.

I wanted to put my input, but what could I do ?

Max doesn't like to admit anything when it comes to being wrong. She literally won't say the word wrong unless "you're" is behind it.

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