Truth and Dare-1 and 2

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Today was morning and light beam hit on David face waking him up as soon as he Woke up he went to check on his phone it was 7:00 in the morning and he got a nonfiction and it was a dare for luz then he chuckled a bit

Me: oh this is going to be good

As soon I got up put on my tuxedo I went down stairs to go to the kitchen and seeing edric and emira making breakfast

Emira:hey David wavy

Me blushing:Hey emira

Edric:morning David

Me:morning edric I see you guys made breakfast


As soon as I sat down edric gave me breakfast that look good as I try one it was delicious

Me:this is really delicious

Ed/Em:thank you

Then David,edric,and,emria were eating their breakfast and waiting for the others to get up and as soon as edric went to to used the bathroom emira ask me question

Emira:so David do one of us have truth or dare

Me:well I think you are going to wait for the others to get up

Emira:oh ok.Hey David


Emira:Well I know we just met but i was wondering if you are available to go on a...

But as soon she about Finish her sentence edric came into the kitchen and interrupt her

Edric:so what are you guys taking about

Me:we were just taking about who got the truth or dare

Edric:oh ok plus I think the others one are starting to wake up

Me:oh ok well since I'm done with mine I am going to tell the question (then he left the kitchen)

Edric waving:ok have fun

Emira:dang it i was this close telling him

Edric confused:telling who



(David POV)
As soon I was looking for luz I saw eda coming out of her room with king on top of hair I asked her

Me:hey eda can you please tell me did luz got up

Eda:yeah she in the bathroom plus do you have any apple blood

Me:yeah in kitchen thanks for telling me

As eda left to the kitchen I was heading to the bathroom to find luz fixing her hair

Me:hey luz

Luz:hey David what is it

Me:oh nothing just came here to tell you that a reader has a dare for you

The owl house truth or dare Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora