"Fairy Tail A sweeps the Pandemonium event and scores 10 points!"


The rest of us stood patiently waiting to see how we would earn our points. Since Erza basically slaughtered the Pandemonium event.

"Well, after some deliberation, we've concluded that the remaining 7 teams still need to be ranked." Mr. Pumpkin said still disbelief at what had happen earlier with Erza. I giggle softly at everyone's surprise and amazement. "So, although it's a little bland, we've prepared a simple game." He explain disappointingly.

Suddenly a weird looking lacrima thingy floated down beside Mr. Pumpkin.

"What's that?" I hear someone ask just as confuse.

"The Magic Power Finder, or the MPF for short!" Mr. Pumpkin explain happily.

"A magic power measuring device?" Jura ask curiously.

I clinch my fist tightly and grin like crazy. Just the type of event I needed to show of my power.

"Precisely." Mr. Pumpkin coo darkly. "If you use magic on this device it will display its magic power in numerical value. We will use this number to decide the rankings and winner of the remaining participants."

"A pure test of power, huh?" Hibaki suddenly said from beside me.

"What the hell. When did you show up?" I ask annoy.

"I might be at a bit of a disadvantage." He continue ignoring my question. "Also, Ms. Juneaux, are you free tonight!"

I look around the arena and notice Sting glaring daggers at the poor unsuspecting man. I then felt another heated glare coming from the stands and notice Laxus glaring just as deadly at the man.

"I am, but, I don't think my brother would be too happy if you took me out." I said cunningly, pointing towards a fuming Laxus.

Hibaki smile weakly at Laxus and slowly stepped away from me. I guess Laxus has his usefulness.

"Now then, let's begin!" Mr. Pumpkin said happily rounding all of us up for the event. "You will be going in the same order as previously drawn."

Great I'm still last. I sigh crossing my arms annoy.

"Great! Then I'm up first!" the cat like girl said happily. "Kitten Blast!"

365 the device mark. I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be high or low.

"Without a benchmark to compare against, I'm not sure if that's high or not." The announcer said confuse.

"Actually, we Rune Knights use MPFs in our training." I hear the Rune Knight explain happily. "That's a pretty high number enough to classify her as a Captain." He explain impressed

"Impressive." The announcer adds.

"Next is Novali of Quatro Puppy! 124!"

I giggle at the low number.

"Next up is Hibiki of Blue Pegasus!"

95. I bend over laughing.

"Next is Obra of Raven Tail."

I stop laughing and stared at the strange dress man wondering if that could be my father. A small little creature suddenly jumped out from its robes hitting the orb.

"A magic power level of 4!" the announcer yell disbelief at the small number.

"Unfortunately there are no due overs." Mr. Pumpkin said slowly. "Which means Millianna from Mermaid Heel is in the lead."

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