Chapter 7

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~Sarah's Point of View~

It's Wednesday now. It's been a week since we have all hung out. Of course we all say hi to each other in the hallway, but that was the last time we all got together.

I'm currently laying on the couch while my family's in town. My mom mentioned something about a Board Meeting where you had to bring the family. I don't exactly remember all the details.

As I'm watching TV I feel my phone vibrate. I hate my ringtone, it annoys the heck out of me. But I'm way to lazy to change it. I pull my phone out and see I have a text from Jacob.

'You coming to Church tonight?'

I look at the clock, it's 5:30. I have an hour until church starts so I can watch TV til about 15 minutes before.


I keep my phone on my lap as I go back watching TV. I pick up my phone and read it when it vibrates.

'Come Early?'

I wrinkle my nose, why would I go an hour early? There's nothing to do but sit around in the parking lot while waiting for Mrs. Donna.


5 minutes later there's still no response but as soon as it gets to the good part in my show, the doorbell interrupts me.

I groan as I get up to go to the door. I open the door and shut it as soon as I see who's behind it.

What Jacob doing here? Whatever, I'm not going to open the door.

I head back into the living room and lay down on the couch as I hear the door open. Nooo, don't come in!

" Hey Babe." Jacob yelled coming into the house. He moves right in front of me so he's blocking the Tv.

I groan, " What do you want?" Can't I just watch my Tv in peace?

"Get up." Dude, what's up with him? Why would I get up? I'm already comfortable and I'd rather not get up.

I give him a 'What The Heck' look.( Sue me, I hate cussing.) "Why? I'm perfectly fine here."

"We have to get to Church early."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time. I have 45 minutes left! I don't need to be there until 15 mintutes til. I show my phone to him so he could see the time, " Dude, I have 30 minutes til I need to leave. "

Suddenly my phone is plucked from my hand and Jacob now holds it out in front of him. Clicking some buttons  "Hmmm, got some interesting things in here."

I jump off the couch and try to jump and grab my phone while Jacob holds my phone in the air. " Jacob, give it back!"

He smirks down at me, "Not until you get dressed and get to Church."

"Dude, just give me my phone back!" I yell still trying to get on my toes and reach it. I don't even care that the part of my body is pushes up against his.

"Alright, you asked for it." I open my mouth to ask him what he means but before I can say anything I'm lifted off the ground and tossed onto his back.

"Jacob! Let me down!!" I yell as Jacob travels up the stairs and bursts into my room. He doesn't answer as he tosses me back into my bed and heads over to my closet, looking through it. What's he doing?

I'm suddenly hit in the face by clothes, "Change." Jacob demands before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Wait, what about my phone? There's some stuff I don't want him to look at. "I'll give you phone back after church tonight."

That long? Well, whatever. I hold out the outfit so I can see it. It's a purple tank top with a pair of ripped  skinny jeans. Wow, not bad. He should pick out my clothes more often.

I slip the outfit on and put on a pair of old sneakers and put my hair up in a loose ratty ponytail.

I open the door, and shut it behind me and turning to Jacob,"Better?" I ask motioning down to the outfit.

He gives me a once-over before stepping one step closer to me. "Just one thing," he puts and arm around my waist, drawing me closer. He lifts the other hand and uses it pull out my ponytail.

I unconsciously put one my hands up to hold back my hair. "What was the for?"

He looks down at me, smiling , lifting a hand to grab my hand holding my hair and removing making my hair fall past my shoulders, down my back.

"Nothing," he pauses, looking down at me for a second and smiling, "I just love seeing your hair down."

I look down, trying to not let him see the blush spreading on my cheeks rapidly. But he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him,"I also loving seeing you blush." He lets go and turns around and starts to head down the hallway, but before he got to far he turned around, looking at me, " You coming?"

I nod, following after him. What exactly just happened?

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