Chapter 10

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~Sarah's Point of View~

So that's why I'm here like this now. I'm quite pathetic. Crying my eyes out for a boy that didn't like me in the first place. But I mean, I guess that's life.

Maybe all that Crap about first love is true. Well, First like, I didn't love him, did I? No, I couldn't have. I'm only thirteen and he's fifteen, it wouldn't have worked out anyway. But I couldn't love him anyway, I wouldn't know what love is. And more importantly, he wouldn't be the one to love me back.

I roll over in my bed and grab my phone and flinch back from the light. I've been in here all day. My brother yelled upstairs that I missed dinner but I wasn't hungry. I feel like if I ate anything it would just come back up.

I open up Google Chrome and type into the address bar, 'How do I know when I'm in love?' I look down at the results,13 scientific signs your in love, no. EHarmony Advice? No. Love quiz? You know what the heck, I'll try it. It's just a quiz anyway.

Okay First question,

1.) How much do you love his personality?

Wait, how do they know its a guy? Maybe a boy wants to take a quiz like this too! But then again I feel like I'm the only one stupid enough to take a quiz like this. I look through the choices;

A) a little
B) a lot
C) it needs work
D) boy does he annoy me sometimes
E) I don't like his personality I love it.

His personality? What is his personality? Let me see, he's nice, cute, awkward at times, funny, weird, and well you can just say that the list goes on.

I like his personality, a lot. I choose B and I move onto the next question.

2.) How attractive is he?

A) He's so good looking

B) he's cute to me

C) everyone thinks he's cute

D) that's not important

E) I used to think he was cute but now I think he's handsome.

Well, I don't know I've never looked at that before, I guess it wasn't important. But if I had to answer I would definitely say he was cute. I click D and move onto the next question.

4.) If you had to choose between a dream job and your love, what would you choose?

A) Love

B) Job

C) I'm not sure

Well, I have no idea what the question is asking, it's kinda confusing. I quickly press C and move on.

4.) When you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you think of?

A) How happy I am

B) I have to use the bathroom

C) how I can't wait to see my sweetheart.

I laugh at the second one and scrunch my nose in dugust at the word sweetheart. I mean, who even uses sweetheart anymore. So that's obviously not an option. I have to use the bathroom? I'm pretty sure I've never just woke up and thought that so that leaves one option left.

Am I happy? I think back to the times I spent with Jacob and I smile. Happy doesn't even describe it. He fills me with butterflies in my stomach and a warm feeling in my heart.

I click for the next question,

6.) Do you think you're in love?

A) Yeah I think so

B) I'm not sure that's why I'm taking this quiz

C) I don't think I know.

Well, that's easy, I pick B and move on. I mean, why else would I have taken the quiz.

7.) Do you feel better when you're around him?

A) Yes he knows how to cheer me up

B) yes I need him to make me feel good

C) not really.

Well I scratch out the last option, of course he makes me feel good. Well actually great. But I don't think I NEED him to make me feel happy. So I pick A and move onto the next question.

8.) Would you move across the country for him?

A) In a heartbeat

B) no

C) I'm not sure

Well, I'm sure I would if he asked me, and I didn't have to worry about my parents. But I don't think I would do it until I was older. I mean, I'm still young. I would if I still felt the same way about him when I am older. But right now, I really don't know.

I click C and go to the next question.

9.) When he's gone, how do you feel?

A) I miss Him

B) I don't even notice

C) I'm happy.

I miss Him, especially when's he's gone. And right now, it's hurts. It feels like someone tryed to take a part of my away.

I don't even need to think about this answer. I click A then wait for my results.

Yes, You're In Love

Yes, you've found a balance with him, you're comfortable around him, and you can be yourself around him. That's really important and is a pretty good indicator that you're in love! Giving up really important things for him is important, too. Hopefully you won't be in that situation, but if you're not sure if he's worth sacrificing certain things, then you're not sure you really love him. Giving up your friends, though, is definitely NOT one of those things, so your ability to maintain your relationship.

I turn my phone off and put it on the table beside me. Should I really trust this? I mean, it's just an online quiz. But I guess it does give me some kind of anwser.

As I drift into darkness and my eyes start to droop, I think to myself, I think I might actually love Jacob.


Wow guys, Really short chapter. Sorry about that, only 1003 words. Its barley a thousand words.

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