Chapter 5

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~Sarah's Point of View~

    A slight buzzing noise in my pocket wakes me up, I open my eyes and groan before fishing my phone out of my pocket to view it.

  As the lock screen lights up I have to squint my eyes because of the light.




Wait, where is she anyway? I turn my head to see if I can find her but I get caught looking straight into the face of Jacob. How did I not notice his arm was still around me? It's takes all my willpower not to blush. Wait, since when did I try not to blush? I don't blush, and I'm not starting now.

   I softly take his arm off from around my shouldler and set it down lightly before I get up.

   I start to walk off but before I get to far I hear him mumble something but I can't understand him.

   I take my phone out of my pocket and look at the time, 11:36am. Crap, was there school today? Oh well, I can afford to miss a day.

  I'm still looking down at my phone, while walking, when I feel myself bumb into the wall. And not even a secound later I'm on the ground.

   Crap. I get up, put my phone into my pocket and walk into the kitchen, "Did you just run into that wall?" Selena asks as I entered.

   "Maybe," I gumbled before taking a seat at the counter.

   " So," Selena asks, putting her elbows on the table and leaning toward, "How was your night with lover boy?"

    "Oh," I say starting to feel a little embarrassed, "You saw that, huh?" I let out a nervous chuckle before rubbing the back of my neck.

    She sighs, "You didn't see my message did you?"

   I give her a shake of my head before she takes out her phone and pulls it up to the message she sent me.

    It's a picture. Of me and Jacob. It has me in Jacob's side, with his arm around me and we're both asleep.

   I feel me face begin to heat up-NO! I don't blush!

    "Wait a second," Selena makes her way around the counter over to me side, "are you blushing?"

    "No, cause I don't blush." I reply while trying to get rid of the redness in my cheeks.

   "Really?" Selena asks unconvinced, " Then what's this red stuff on your cheeks?"

   I groan and put my head down on the table, I don't bother answering. " You like him don't you?" She asks with im guessing a smirk on her face.

   "No!" I blurt out, lieing. I do like him, but it's not big. Just a really really small crush.

    "Alright, so you don't mind if I go ask Jacob to ask you the same question." She starts to walk that way before I grab her arm to stop her.

   " Maybe I have a tiny crush on him." As I say this, Selena starts celebrating, dancing around the kitchen while I put my head back down and feel my face heat up badly. Gosh, I feel like a girl, I'm not supposed to blush!

   "Morning Ladies," Jacob enters through the room and yawns. I don't bother looking up, the less people who see me blush, the better. "What's wrong with her?" He asks Selena.

   I silently pray that she doesn't tell him. "She's blushing." Darn it!

  "Am not!" I reply without lifting my head.

   " Oh yeah? Then lift your head up." Jacob says, most likely with a smirk on his face.

     I shake my head before I hear whisphering between the two. And before I know it, I feel figures wiggling in my side. I jump up which then I feel arms close in around me, pulling me into a chest.

   Jacob and Selena immediately start laughing, "You are!" Jacob laughs which I can feel vibrate off his chest.

    "Shut up," I mumble. I try to pry Jacob's arms off if my but they aren't letting go.

     "Ah but Sarah! If I shut up, who else are you going to talk to?" I can still feel him laughing.

    He turns me around to where I'm facing him and pulls me in for a hug. "So, does this mean you like me?"


Chapter 5!!!!! Picture of Walker to the side. Chose him as Adrian Grenier.

That should be all of the pictures you'll get but if I decide someone's important enough in the story then I'll add them.

That should be all! Don't forget to Vote\Comment\Follow.


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