Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~Sarah's Point of View~

As the sun shines through the window I groan as I cover my head, hoping to get some more sleep. But the ringing of my phone decided that it was my time to wake up.

I pick up the phone and held it to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hey, Sarah, this is Mrs. Donna. Just wanted to let you know that today we will be heading off to a camp retreat. I've already talked with the school and had all of the kids in the youth excused from school for the next week, so if you can pack your stuff and be down here in thirty, then we'll be ready to go."

Camp retreat? Did I miss something in Church? Whatever, I'll ask Jacob- oh, wait. Maybe I'll just ask Selena about it.

I click on her contact and start to call her. As I wait for her to pick up I put the phone on speaker and start walking around the room, picking up stuff to put in my suit case.


I pick up the phone and turn it off of speaker, putting it up to my ear. I going back to packing, "Hey Selena, what's up?"

"Why did you call?"

"Did you get Mrs. Donna's message?" I go through my mental checklist seeing if I have everything.

Clothes? Check. Swimsuit? Check. Toothbrush? Check. Toothpaste? Check. Hair brush? Check. Bedding? Check? Pillows and Blanket? Check. Shampoo and Conditioner? Check. Towel? Check. Deodorant? Check. Money? Check. Bible? Check. I think I've got everything. Now I need to get dressed.

I go over to the closet, picking out an outfit, I decide on my Jean shorts, a tee shirt, and my sneakers.

"Yeah, I'm packing right now, how cool is this? We get to miss school for a week!"

"Its pretty cool, I'm about to head over to the church." I decide to just leave my hair down, I'll bring extra hair ties so I can put it up later.

"Me too, meet you there?"

"Yeah, see you there," I hang up the phone, making it easier to put on my shoes. I head down stairs to tell my parents about the retreat when I see an empty house and a note on the table.

'Gone for a few days, didn't want to take you so we all went without you.' ~Mom

Wow, thanks family, love you too. I roll my eyes at my own remark. I write on the note about the camp retreat and hope they won't be too mad when I got back. Actually, they might not even realize I left.

I head out the door, locking it behind me and started walking towards the church. As I come closer to the church, I see one of the school buses parked in the parking lot. Do we really have that many kids? I start walking towards the door and see a figure standing in the doorway. It takes a few seconds but I finally recognize the figure.

"Hey Selena,"

She turns around and grins when she spots me. She starts walking towards me and hugs me when she reaches me, "Hey Sarah, you ready for this?"

"I was born ready. So, what are you doing out here by yourself? And where's everybody else?"

She chuckles at my lame attempt of a joke, " I was waiting for you actually, and everyone else is down in the youth room."

"Hey, when do we leave?" I ask her, relived knowing that at least I'm not late.

She checks the watch on her wrist, "We aren't supposed to leave for another 5 minutes."

"Alright, that's good. Hey, let's go inside, I need to put my bag up."

We walk inside and I put my bag up against the wall with all the others and then we head downstairs.

We move over to the corner of the room, hoping not to get in anyone's way. I hear my name being called out, I turn around to see where the voice is coming from only to have a set of piercing hazel eyes staring right at me.

I turn back to Selena, "I'll be right back" she doesn't say anything as she nods and continues her conversation with the person next to her. I think her name is Abby.

I walk over to Jacob, my heart beating inside my chest, hard enough that you can see it. "Hey"

"Hey" he doesn't even try to look at me.

"Look, I'm really sorry about my brother," I rub the back of my neck, "I really don't know wh-" I start to ramble off but Jacob interrupts me.

"Sarah, it's okay." I laugh to myself, being reminded of a movie I've watched lately.

Trying to maybe lighten up the conversation a bit I make a joke."Maybe Okay will be our always?" I offer nervously with a quite chuckle.

For the first time in the conversation he looked at me. But what I didn't know is that his next sentence was going to break me. And it wasn't going to break me in just one or two pieces, it would break me into a million. It would destroy my first love, leavimg me in a heartbreak that I couldn't get rid of. It would get rid of the only boy that would ever like me more than a friend. It wouldn't would just break me, it would destroy me.

He lifted his head, looking at me with a sad look in his eyes, and a very pathetic smile on his face, "Maybe Next time."


The End!

That's the end of the story, pretty short and I'm sorry. I had it planned to be this kind of ending from the start.

The point of the story is that not every person you'll be with us the right one. So hold on, you'll find somebody someday.

I'm planning to start a new story, maybe I can write it better and it won't be as bad! Not giving any info about mostly because anything can change! So just be in the lookout.

Well, thanks for reading my story and I hoped you liked it. Don't forget to Vote/Follow/ and Share!

~ Bethany's out!

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