Chapter 4

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~Sarah's Point of View~

Ringgggg! When the bell rings, I'm already up and out the door before anyone else can even get out of there desks. Man, I hate history so much.

As I'm at my locker, putting my books up a hand reaches out and closes the locker for me. I look over at the person, "Jacob, what are you doing here?"

"I was just going to remind you to keep your doors UNlocked today, since I'm coming over."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, about that. We should really take a rain check." As I turn and start walking towards the door I hear Jacob shout something else but I'm too far away to hear because of the busyness of the crowd.

Once I'm outside, Selena is immediately by my side, "What took you so long?" She asked.

"Boy problems." I answer and she giggled. Yes giggled, who even giggled any more?

"Lover Boy problems" She winks and starts laughing again. While I roll my eyes.

After that we really didn't talk to much on the way home, expect for what we plan on doing tonight.

We still didn't exactly know how to spend the night as we arrived at my house. Church was cancelled tonight due to Mrs. Donna's friend in the hospital.

As we step into the house, I suggest, "How about a movie night?"

She is thrilled by the idea, " Oh, I love it! I'll get the hot chocolate and popcorn!" Yum!

"I'll pick out a movie!" I walk into the living room and over to the cabinet of DVDs we have. We have so many DVDs that we could run a movie store if we'd like too. We have everything from Star Wars and Fast & Furious to Barney and Strawberry Shortcake. As I'm flipping through the DVDs, the doorbell interrupts me.

" I'll get it," I yell to Selena who's over in the kitchen.

As I open the door I see no other than Jacob, leaning against my doorway, "Hello Beautiful." He says winking my way.

And to that, I slam the door in his face and lock the door before heading into the living room.

"Who was that?" Selena asks As I lay down on the couch next to hers.

"I don't know, just a bunch of ding-dong ditchers I guess." I close my eyes and I start to get comfortable.

As Selena about so say something, the doorbell interrupts her, dozens of times. Its like someone is rapidly pressing the button to get someone's attention.

Selena raises an eyebrow,"Ding-Dong Ditchers, eh?" She starts to get up and walk to the door, but I jump in the way, blocking her way.

"Let's not, let's just stay and watch a movie." I suggest and try to grin convincingly.

And as soon as I think she's convinced, she gives me a grin and wiggled her figures into my side. Which results in me letting put a squeal and jumping out of the way.

As Selena, gets the chance she rushes to the door and throws it open, "Well, Hello Jacob. Why don't you come in."

I send her a glare before settling down on my couch and she gets on hers. Jacob walks over to my couch and I don't move my feet. Apparently Jacob didn't mind because he just picked up my feet and threw them on the ground, while he makes a seat for himself next to me.

I try to move away from him but this was a loveseat couch and I didn't get to much room to move. So I ended up right next to him.

"Alright so how about The Giver?" Selena asks as she's looking through the movies.

" Sure." I reply, while she's puts the movie in the Blue-Ray.

After about the third movie, I start getting tired. And before I know it, my head ends up on Jacob's shoulder. I feel something soft touch my head before I fall asleep, with someone mumbling in my ear. But I'm already asleep.


Chapter 4! Alright so I choolse Jay Hernandez as Jacob and that'd be off to the side, or top, or wherever it is. Most people say the side but oh well.

Ignore the kinda red eyes he has, just imagine more brownish eyes.

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