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dear journal,

december 5, 2006

i left lawrence's 3 days ago and casey and i are back at the hotel. i don't necessarily plan on going back anytime soon. as much as i want to, i'm still awfully terrified to talk to him like a normal human being. i've already fucked up enough. i stalked him, kissed him, he watched me jerk off in his own bathroom, and i got a boner in front of him. i don't feel like messing up shit anymore. but we'll see how things go.


casey had left adam alone in his room earlier that day.

she told him she'd come see him later.

he didn't know when later was.

but he waited for her anyways.

it didn't last long though, she was only gone for about an hour or two.

until she came rushing back.

he heard her knocking loudly on the door, and he didn't understand why.

she'd never done it before.

so adam got up quickly and opened the door for her.

she looked terrible.

he could tell she'd been crying.

her black mascara and eyeliner had been ruined and smeared on her face.

her eyes were watered, and he'd never seen her like this before.

when her dog died, it was just a couple tears, but this was different.

"are you okay?!" adam asked, pulling her inside.

she wouldn't talk.

she couldn't.

even if she did, it would've have came out english.

adam finally hugged her and continued to whisper, asking her what was wrong.

but she still wouldn't tell him.

then he took her and sat her on the couch and put a blanket around her.

he didn't know what else to do.

"casey, what is it?" he asked her, tucking her hair behind her ear.

she stared at him, with her face still filled with pools of tears.

"casey, tell me." he continued to say.

casey then looked down and continued to cry louder, but that time she tried to suffocate the sound of her crying with the palms of her hands.

adam waited for her to calm down.

but she never did.

casey then reached down into her pocket and pulled something out, staring at adam.

adam looked down at her hand and took what was in it.

he stared at it with his eyes widened.

"you're pregnant?" he whispered, staring at casey while she continued to cry.

then casey bursted into tears falling onto adam.

adam knew she definitely wasn't happy about this, or she wouldn't be crying this much.

and these weren't happy tears.

adam held casey as she continued to bawl onto his shirt.

he didn't know what else to do but sit there and comfort her.

even if he weren't very good at it.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻// adam stanheight//saw (finished!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt