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adams hands were shaky as the train pulled into the las vegas train station.
his heart was pounding rapidly.
he was excited of course.
but very nervous and scared.

he felt like he was being watched or someone was always listening.

he didn't feel safe at times.
but maybe he could feel safer in las vegas.

adam closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, trying to not feel so anxious.

adam couldn't stop shivering, he wasn't even cold though.
his whole body trembled rapidly.
"are you alright?" a woman's voice announced calmly beside adams right ear.

adam turned to look to his right to see a lady.
she had greyish-brownish hair. she was wearing a red suit. and her eyes were a bright blue that looked like they were turning grey slowly.

"what?" adam asked, forgetting what she said to him.

"i said are you alright?" the lady asked again, seeming worried for him.

"oh-" adam didn't know what to say.

"do you need some help?" she asked

"no! no, of course not. i just have trouble..uhh..staying still." adam answered slowly.
the lady looked adam up and down, he couldnt tell if she were disgusted with him or curious about him.

"right, are you coming off the train, son?" she asked.
adam peeked around to see the train was halfway empty.

"yes! my apologies." adam announced, facepalming his forehead.
the lady turned away embarrassingly.

but adam didn't care, he quickly jumped out of the seat and scurried off the train.
while he was getting off the train, he kept dropping a lot of things behind him.
"hey!" a voice called from behind him.
adam turned around to check, and it was the same lady on the train, holding the things he dropped.
"oh!" adam whispered stupidly, running over to her.
"you're in a bit of a rush aren't you?" the lady laughed.
"well, not really. i'm just coming to vegas for a fresh start." adam told her.

"oh really? why vegas?" the lady asked curiously, continuing to hand adam his belongings.

"uhh..not sure, first thing to catch my eye i guess." adam shrugged.

the lady laughed it off and fixed her hair as she smiled.

"right, well, i'm sure you'll make yourself at home here." the lady informed him.

"i hope." he grinned.

"jasper." the lady introduced, holding out her hand to shake adams.

"oh, uh, adam." adam replied, shaking her hand firmly.

"ah, adam. handsome name." jasper smiled pleasantly.
adam rolled his eyes playfully, combing his hair back.

"right, well, i have somewhere to be." jasper told adam, "but it was nice meeting you adam."

"right, you too."

"and..keep up with your things next time." jasper winked, walking off like a model on a catwalk.

adam watched her walk off, looking her up and down, watching how she walked so arrogantly without tripping or slipping.

he finally stopped, and headed on his way.

"taxi!!" adam called, waving at a taxi coming toward adam.
the taxi pulled over to roll down the window.

"you need a lift?"
"yes, please." adam smiled.
adam stepped into the vehicle, laying his stuff beside him.

"where to?" the driver asked, looking at adam through the rear view mirror.
adam looked down to think.

"uh, the nearest hotel." adam announced.


"actually, the nearest and cheapest hotel." adam corrected.
the driver squinted his eyes at adam.

"okay.." the driver said slowly, switching the gears.

"soo. i'm adam." adam told the driver.
the driver didn't respond, he just continued to concentrate on the road.

"and you are?"

"most people don't start chit chatting in taxis, kid." the driver informed.

"well, you know me." adam smirked playfully.

"i don't." the driver said flatly.
"right, well boy do i have a story!" adam excitedly announced.
the driver rolled his eyes as he continued to drive, sometimes peaking up to look at adam.

"so, have you heard of the jigsaw killings?" adam asked him.
the driver looked at adam firmly.

"what do you know about the jigsaw killings?" the driver aggressively questioned.

"so you do know!"

"yeah, saw it on the news once." the driver explained.

"cool, cool. hey- you mind?" adam asked, holding up a cigarette and lighter.
the driver looked at adam aggressively.

"i don't care, kid."

"k, cool." adam replied, lighting the cigarette.

"so what about these jigsaw killings?" the driver asked adam as he blew out the smoke.

"mm, right. well let's just say i was a victim." adam blurted to the driver.
the driver looked at adam again.

"wait- you never told me your name." adam remembered.

"yeah i know."

"so what is it?"

"just call me bill." the driver replied finally.
adam nodded his head, smoking again.

"okay, bill. like i said, i was a victim."

"why're you telling me this?"

"cause i never liked to tell my therapist." adam answered, looking up at the taxi ceiling.

"was it a woman?" the driver, bill, unexpectedly asked adam out of nowhere.

"yeah, she was. how'd you know?" adam questioned.

"most men don't like to open up to therapists that are women." bill told him.
adam shook his head.
"that wasn't the case."

"was she hot?"
adam furrowed his eyebrows at bill.

"she was- a woman, nothing important." adam answered, wondering why the hell bill would even ask him that.
"alright." bill quietly whispered.
adam didn't know what else to say after that, he just stared out the window.
he didn't feel safe honestly.
he wanted to tuck and roll, but he knew if he did, that wouldn't be safe or smart.
adam looked out again and saw a hotel that bill was pulling into.
"yeah, i'll get off here, right here." adam announced quickly.

"right here?-"

"yep, thanks for the ride!" adam jumped out, throwing a ten dollar bill behind him.

he ran inside the building and saw some people.
"i need a room." adam quickly told.

"how long is your stay?" a woman asked him.

"i don't know- 6 months." adam answered finally.
the woman gave him a dirty look but handed him some keys.

"how much?" adam asked.

"just take it. i'll pay for you." the woman replied.
adam gave her a weird look, wondering why she did that.

"uh, why?" adam asked.

"i can tell you're broke."
adam made a gross look and ran up to where his room was located.

it wasn't too bad, it just looked ghetto and sort of out of place.
but he didn't mind.
he's seen worse of course.
so he placed his things down and jumped onto the bed, checking how comfortable it was.

obviously it wasn't.
he could feel the metal bars under it stabbing his back painfully.
"not 5 star..but it'll do." adam whispered to himself and he leaned up.

and as the day went on, it was pretty boring.

he wasn't sure what to do in the broken apartment.
it gave off a weird, flesh rotting smell.

he was sure it had to be a dead rat or something. because it smelled horrific.

𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻// adam stanheight//saw (finished!!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin