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"Sh-shikamaru, is that you" Naruot groaned out as he felt his body start to heal up and the bones snapping back in place.

"Yes it is me Naruto and beside me are Temari and Ino" Shikamaru responded quietly with his voice now dulled from the many lives he had taken and the deaths of his comrades..

"Naruto you idiot, what would I tell Karin and Hitomi if you had been found dead" Temari cried out as she lunged at him to hug him.

"Hmfff, did Temari miss me that much" Naruto said which earned him a light blow to his ribs and making him cough up as his body is still sore

"What a drag, let's just get this over with you troublesome blonds" Shikamaru muttered

"Naruto, what happened to him" Into suddenly said as she looked at the still body of Enryu moving closer to inspect it. She got to where Enryu laid and poked his chest,

"I am not dead, you know" a whisper came from below her

Ino jerked up after registering that the voice came from below her and shouted

"Ahhhh, Naruto let's kill him before he regained enough strength to attack us all" Ino spranked into action as she pulled out a kunai, behind her both Shikamaru and Temari had readied their weapons which included a kunai from the former and battle fan from the later. But before they could make a move they heard a chuckle from behind them making them turn to Naruto

"Eh eh, you don't have to worry about him cause he won't be trying anything soon. And also he sustained more wounds than I did" Naruto said and then chuckled

"Moreover I already won this battle, but he needs to stay alive to lead Kumo to a better future, Aisu won't survive this war after all" Naruto said the last part to himself.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO NOT WORRY ABOUT HIM AND THAT HE NEEDS TO STAY ALIVE? HE IS DANGEROUS TO BE LEFT ALIVE NARUTO!!!!" Ino and Temari shouted as they felt reluctant to let Enryu live

"Naruto don't be silly, this war isn't centered around you. He is a torn in our plans and if he were to be involved in a war against Konoha again, I don't think we would stand a chance against him" Shikamaru stated...

"This is our chance to get rid of him" He finished.

"Yes this war wasn't centered around me but this battle was, none of you could have held a candle against him and I decide the final of this battle as I had won it" Naruto said with a serious face while moving his gaze away from Shikamaru to the still form of Enryu and said

"I have decided he would live with this defeat and none of you would say otherwise"

"Hai, Naruto. It's troublesome to argue with you anyway" Shikamaru faced Ino and Temari

"Let's just go over to the Kages, Lady Hokage and Lord Kazekage might need our helps"

They made to go as Temari helped Naruto up as he is still sore and Kurama is still in the process of healing him but Naruto turned back to address Enryu....

"Enryu, you should leave this place soon if you don't want the remaining of Konoha-Suna nins to capture you. Aisu's body would be delivered to Kumo" as he said this two shinobi from Kumo jumped into the surrounding

"Enryu-sama, what happened to you" one of the two Kumo nin said

"Just take me back to the camp" Enryu simply stated.

"Uhn but the Raikage...." The other made to talk but was silenced

"My brother knew the costs of this war quite well and the tides of this war has turned against us" Enryu said closing his eyes as tears fell from them

"Let's go" he said as the two helped him up and left the area.

Enryu looked back and saw Naruto leaving with his comrades, he remembered his questions

"Can't we find a better way to resolve this issues instead of using war"


"I wonder the same too every time Naruto, maybe we would see more of each other in the future and maybe we could work towards achieving peace together"


"I truly hope so" Enryu said as he fled to safety

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