Start from the beginning

The Lamido's voice became a distant hum at the background of Ali's thought as he watched his father open the door of the fridge.

Of course he did.

The Lamido brought out a bottle of Carlo Rossi and Ali literally died cause his pounding heart just seized. Damn!

"Ali this isn't what I think it is right?"

Ali could only blink, his throat just got drier and he swallowed yet again.

"Wine, alcoholic wine, Ali you drink? Or should I say, you still do?"

Ali closed his eyes as guilty tears stung the sides of them.

The Lamido sighed and uncapped the bottle, emptied it into the sink. He got the other bottle of Gin Mare and did the same to it. "Any more?"

Ali looked at his father but still couldn't cook a word out. Well there's none, no more bottles and no words either. He looked down at his feet again, ashamed at himself.

The Lamido disposed the bottle and washed his hands.

"Umar called, told me what happened. They've been trying to look for you but it's been fruitless. He called to ask if I could help, to forget what had happened and let things be as they were. Thing is, nothing can be as it was."

A drop of tear danced down Ali's cheek. Not now please, not now. He wiped it off, forcing back the rest.

"I told him that." The Lamido turned around and got a cup. "He asked if I knew where you could be and I said; I don't know Ali anymore Umar, you know him better that I do. And that wasn't a lie, or was it?"

Ali but down on his lip, his nose starting to run.

"Do you remember what you told me some years back? After that girl's death, what's that her name? Zainab right?"

Ali glanced at him and looked away again. Fuck!

"Ali you promised me that if I let you graduate from the military, I won't have any cause to complain about you ever again remember? You promised you're going to be of upright behaviour so what happened along the way? This liquor... it was the beginning of all that predicament and you're still into it? Even at this age of yours? Don't you still know the difference between right and wrong Ali? What has happened to you?

Ali batted his eyelashes to chase off his tears, sniffled. Damn!

His father drank some water then continued. "What you did, it really shocked me Ali, I expected something, a little stubbornness but not that much hate. It's mystifying. I thought I still had a say in your life, I thought we still shared that bond, but I guess you've grown. And I can't blame you can I? I almost got you killed the first time, you had every right to be extra careful but not hateful. Even if you should it should have been directed at me. Not her. I got you two married and she was as helpless as you were. And Amira really gave you a lot of grace. I'm sure you've realized that now. She isn't a girl to let people degrade or mistreat her, she values her dignity, respect and pride over anything, but you had your way with her, a lot." He paused to let the thoughts sink in.

"I told Umar I'd try, I thought you'd be here since you're nowhere else. I sent an eye and was told you came over, I think I still know you, but just a little. A very small little." He said in a low and sad tone.

"Ali you changed, you've changed so much and... I don't like this change of yours. Ever since Mustafa died all I wanted was to see you happy, to make you happy. I gave you everything, everything I could, I favoured your choices and opinions over anyone else's, whether it's concerning you, or me, or the family, or work, even the palace, Ali what did I refuse you? Anything you asked for, I doubled it. Just so you could be happy and free again, just so I could see you smile and laugh again. And after all of that, you decided to be a drunk? An abusive husband? To completely mess up your life? What more after that? Ali I wanted you to be a righteous Muslim, a responsible and devoted man, Ali I loved you, more than any of my children, because I thought you're perfect, you're pure. But you're trying to shame me? You're trying to drag my name and reputation into the mud? Why are you doing this?!"

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