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He couldn't stop himself from thinking, consistently, thoroughly. He thought until his head hurt, he thought until he had to be sedated to get some sleep, he thought about everything, his life, his love, his future. And only one question kept nagging in his head; can I do this?

From time to time he'd have this strong urge to go get high. Even with the therapy, which obviously isn't effective.

But he knew there's a remedy, just one person who could get him to calm down, who could make the effort worth it and more. But can he do it?

He doesn't even know where to start from. How to start, to start... whether or not to start.

Things weren't funny, they aren't funny and they wouldn't be funny anytime soon. Can he do it?

He sighed and sank into his pillow, it's been very boring without Yusuf who's the one constantly keeping him company. He'd traveled the evening before, to Yola. He must be missing home, so Ali thought.

He's left to his thoughts ever since, only being visited briefly. Amira never even visited, and it's his second day there. I gotta get out of here.

Just like his greatest wish got granted, the door was opened, slowly, and she entered with a basket certainly containing his 3 pm lunch.

"Hey," She gave him a little smile as she dropped her holdings, made to sit on the sofa.

"No, sit here." He tapped the empty side of the bed and she didn't argue, did as he wanted.

"You must've been bored."

"Very. I was already thinking of an escape."

Amira smiled.

"You came alone?"

"Ya Lubaba dropped me, she has urgent work to do but she sends her greetings. Farida went out with Aunt and Ya Hafsah, they promised to drop by when they're done."

"So um, you'd be here until they do?"

"I guess. Or maybe hire an Uber."

"Can't you just... wait for them? I'm sure they would be here soon enough."

"What can I do for you if I stay?"

"We can... talk, about a lot of things or... watch a movie or something."

"A lot of things like?"

"Anything honestly, apart from what's happened of late."

"Why won't you just be discharged?"

"Mansur wants me here until I'm very much better, he said I keep making trouble."

"You do? Those hefty dogs are yours?" She referred to the German shepherds in the house.

"Yeah, you like them?"

"Like? I hate them. They're always trying to eat me."

He chuckled. "I'll get them to like you."

"I hate dogs generally."

"They're my very good friends, they'd amaze you."

She sneered. "That aside. Let's talk about something else."

"Let's see um, tell me about your university days."

"What about it?"

"Anything, everything, wait that guy, the one I saw you with on your birthday in that restaurant?"

Amira picked up the face instantly. "Mmhmm?"

"You guys still in touch?"

"Not really. You gave him the Ali treatment y'know, but we still hi and hello on WhatsApp sometimes."

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