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"Damn!" He exclaimed the moment he stepped into the room downstairs.

They had finished cleaning the bedroom and en suite using materials they got from Nazeer's room and Amira suggested they go there to get some 'stuff that might be useful'.

Well that room sure was stuffy, seemed like all the household items were in there.

"This was once my room, before it became a store. I stayed here after my mum left." Was where I spent the worse phase of my life.

"Why didn't you go with her?"

"I would have, if I had a chance." She furthered in, moving what she could from the way and climbing on what she couldn't.

"You're forced to stay?" He asked, squatting before some picture frames that caught his attention.

"Literally." She climbed on two overlying armchairs so she could reach the top of the wardrobe.

"Your dad was a politician?" He asked, seeing the picture of him with some renowned figures in the field.

"Yeah, retired at seventy something." She grabbed the first sack her hands could reach.

"What does he do currently?" He understands his wife opens up more when she's asked, specifically, about things. And he was willing to know everything knowable about her.

"Owns a timber business, and I think land? Doesn't really run them though."

"You're so fat as a kid." He said with every humour.

She dusted her hand after bringing the sack down and faced him, wanting to see what made him utter such a comment. "Stay away from the pictures."

"Why?" He turned to face her with an amused look.

"They're not for children." She climbed down from the chairs.

"You used to share a good relationship with him." He said about the picture of the kids and their dad. She's the one on his lap.

"I never did." She began unwrapping the sack.

"What happened Amira? What's the matter between you two?"

She shrugged. "Nothing."

"You just treat your father like that cos you feel like it?"

"He isn't my father."

"Amira _"

"Look Ali," She stood up, forgetting the sack for a moment. "While we're here, the only people you should trust and feel at ease with is me and my brother. Maintain a casual relationship with any other person, don't ever let them too close and don't let them know your weakness. Do that for whoever you truly love, please."

"This is your home Amira." He got on his feet, the air getting serious.

"I don't have a home here."


"Let's get it straight I hate everyone and everything here. I don't get along with nobody, they all hate me, they only wish bad for me. Don't fall for their laughs and smiles cos they're all devils inside. They're all selfish animals, educated baboons and sneaky foxes. Maintain a great distance between them all."

There's silence on both sides and then she continued unwrapping the sack.

"Amira," He called and she glanced at him. "Until you tell me what the matter is, you're the wrong one here."

"I really don't give an inkling Ali. And you got more serious matters to deal with, one is you're definitely meeting with Yaya Usman before the week runs out and another? Resolve this shit between you and Nazeer."

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